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"Sneak up on me like that one more time. I fucking dare you, Charles Septimius Weasley. I almost had a heart attack!"

"Full name, ouch. Anyways, we need you and Sirius to come with me and Tonks. Like right now!" Charlie said and started crying. "It's bad, it's real bad."

"What happened?" I asked putting a hand on his shoulder.

"It's Bill, auntie. Greyback scratched him, and scratched him bad. He's with Pomfrey. Mum's a mess, Ron hasn't said a single word, Remus is getting Solis wherever she is, Ginny wanted to punch a wall, Fleur hasn't stopped crying, and the twins closed the shop early." Charlie cried and I felt my heart shatter.

"He didn't bite him, right?" I asked shakily.

"No. At least we don't think so." I nodded and rubbed his back.




"ON IT!"


"Where's my nephew!?"

"Jade!" Fleur yelled and ran towards me in hysterics. "Greyback, he-"

"I know, Fleur. I know. Where's Sunny?" I asked looking around.

"I'm here. He's not bit, thank Merlin. But Greyback was unchanged when he scratched Bill which means his scars won't heal completely." Solis hugged me and took Marlene.

"How did this happen?" Sirius asked sitting next to Harry.

"Deatheaters entered the castle. After that it's all a blur." Harry mumbled. "Dumbledore's dead."

Everyone looked at me and I raised my hands in surrender.

"I have connections, but not those connections." I said and sat down next to Fleur who was holding Bill's hand crying. "Do we know who?"

"Snape." Harry said and I looked at him in shock.

"So much for trusting people." I mumbled and Remus gave me a glare. "Sorry."

"Regulus didn't destroy the horcrux, Jade." Harry mumbled and Sirius visibly tensed.

"Regulus Arcturus Black you stupid, stupid, stupid son of a bitch." I shook my head and hugged Fleur. "I told him not to do it. But they never listen."

"Yeah, we're kinda dumb like that. Sorry Didi. At least she doesn't know how he died."

"How did he die again?"

"Torture potion in a cave. He fell in the small lake, river, whatever, and the inferi took him."

"Great. My heart broke again. Thanks James."



"There's no sugarcoating death, Lily. I should know, I tried sugarcoating Marlene and my parents. There's no sugarcoating the dead. He died a noble man. We can only hope that Didi never finds out."

"You know that she'll find out eventually."

"And I fear what will happen when she explodes. Nothing good happens when she explodes. Bellatrix should fear for her life."


"Oh! Regulus and I have talked. Apparently Bellatrix convinced/somewhat forced Walburga to force Regulus in becoming a deatheater. Crazy, right?"

"Oh my! Bellatrix is gonna wish she fell through that veil."

"And Greyback's gonna regret the day he bit Moony and Sunny, and scratched Bill."

"Will he be okay?" Fleur asked me crying. "Please tell me he'll be okay."

"I can't, and won't, promise anything. We Potters have a bad habit of jinxing things. I speak from personal experience." I chuckled and looked at Bill who was bandaged from head to toe. Fleur started to cry harder and I pulled her closer to me.

"We can only hope he still has his stupid face after this, Fleur." Ginny joked crying and sat down next to me leaning on my shoulder.

"Of course it doesn't matter how he looks, not really. But he was a handsome little boy, always so handsome. And he was going to be married." Molly cried and Arthur ran towards her. I looked at Sirius who shrugged and put an arm around Harry who was spaced out.

"What do you mean was going to be married, Molly? Fleur' right here." I said and pointed to Fleur who was still in hysterics. "Honestly woman, get a grip."

"We can always count on Vixen to say shit like that."

"Shut up, she's mad. And Fleur's getting angrier by the second. Look at her. I know angry tears when I see them."

"Well, only that-"

"You think that because of these bites and scratches, he will not love me?" Fleur sniffled and sat up wiping her tears.

"No! That's not what I-"

"Because he will!" Fleur stood up and boy was she pissed. I love her. "It's gonna take more than a werewolf to stop me from loving Bill."

I looked at Remus and Solis who were looking at each other smiling slightly and I smirked.

"Well yes, I'm sure. But given his current state, I assumed-"

"You thought that I would not wish to marry him!? Or perhaps you hoped!? What do I care how he looks!? I'm good-looking enough for the both of us, I think. All these scars show that my husband is brave. And I shall do that!" Fleur took the ointment from Molly and sat down on Bill's bed gently removing the bandages.

I scratched my left arm as the entire room fell silent waiting for Molly's reply. I felt two hands on my shoulders and I turned around to come face to face with Remus and Sirius who were smiling at me. I stood up and hugged both of them.

"She wasn't wrong, y'know?" Remus whispered to me and I chuckled. "You're the bravest person we know."

"Same goes to you two. My favorite, and stupid, boys." I smiled and hugged them tighter.

"Why does my head hurt?" I heard Bill's voice followed by screams. I turned around to see the Weasleys hug Bill.

"Okay, who screamed like a girl because I know it wasn't Ginny?" I smirked and Charlie raised his hand. "Figured. How are you feeling, Bill?"

"Like shit, but I'll live. Bright side is that now I kinda look like you." He smiled sitting up with the help of Fleur.

"That's not something you should be proud of, y'know? Most of these scars are from monthly adventures when I was fifteen, and a certain acromantula at twelve." I shrugged still scratching my left arm. Harry noticed and grabbed my hand forcing me to stop. "What?"

"You have to stop doing that."

"It's not like it's gonna stop it from healing. It hasn't healed in almost twenty years and it's not gonna heal now." I mumbled but he gave me a look. "Alright, alright, I'll try to stop. It's a habit now."

"And not a good one." Bill pointed out. "How's this, auntie? Remus, Solis and I won't pick at the scars and you won't scratch the writing on your left arm?"

I rolled my eyes and nodded smiling slightly.


The Aftermath (Sequel to The Fifth Marauder) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now