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"Kingsley? What are you doing here?"

"I don't come as a threat. I come as a friend."

"I know you do. But what's going on?" I asked and led him to the kitchen. "I'm making supper, you want some?"

"No thanks. I can't stay long. We're being traced." I nodded and handed him some water. "I take it that you know about the runes on James' file?"

"Yes. What about it?"

"You made a mistake in having twins." Kingsley chuckled. "Umbridge knows about them. You haven't let them out of here right?"

"No. Protection charms around the Manor all the way to Remus and Solis' house. I'm not talking any chances." I shrugged and served him some food. "Eat. I'm not taking no for an answer."

"Where's Bill?"


"I was summoned? Hey Kingsley!" Tonks smiled and grabbed a plate.

"Bill, what do you know about the twin curse?"

"Depends. Vampires or wizards?" Bill asked grabbing a plate also.


"In vampires, one twin takes all the nutrients and is the strongest which means that specific vampire becomes the hunter, while the other twin is born weak or least likely to survive which is likely to become the prey of the werewolves, werecats, sirens, etc. In wizards, there's not a lot of information but it basically becomes like a voodoo doll, especially to twins who share an extremely strong bond to the point where they become soulmates. Whatever happens to one, happens to the other, including death." Bill said sitting down.

"And guess who shared an extremely strong bond with her twin?" Kingsley said looking at me. "You ever felt like your soul has been ripped apart?"

"The night he died, the night I almost died in fifth year, and like four years ago. Why?" I shrugged.

"You and James were soulmates, Jade. There's no prophecy about the two of you, thank Merlin, but there is a certain fear that comes because of this. Twin soulmates aren't born, they're made. You two had enough traumatic experiences to last lifetimes and you bonded over that. You two formed a bond that can be even more powerful than an unbreakable vow. You feeling like your soul has been ripped apart, is part of that bond breaking because James isn't here." Kingsley shrugged.

"But I still don't understand. I have twins, Fred and George are twins, and Sirius and Solis are twins. Wouldn't they cast the curse on either of them?"

"Fred and George aren't main targets because they're not harming anyone. I also gave them some charmed bracelets when I found out about the curse. With uncle Sirius and Solis is different because Solis is a werewolf. The lycanthropy cancels out the curse supposedly. With Marls and Reg, I'm not so sure." Bill said uneasily.

"But isn't there something to protect them?" Fleur asked holding my hand for support. Bill sighed and nodded.

"There is one. Thank Merlin I'm a curse breaker and know this shit. There's a necklace that we can charm to protect them. But we need Solis and uncle Sirius. Solis for the potion needed and Sirius to help you cast the charm. You're a powerful witch auntie, but this is dark magic we're talking about." Bill leaned back and I wiped my tears.

"I'll do it. I don't care. My kids won't suffer the fate that I almost suffered." I shrugged. "You give me the list and the necklaces. I'll get everything we need. If Sunny can't do the potion, I'll do it myself."

"I thought your strongest subject was Charms?" Charlie asked.

"It was, but I'm also kinda skilled in potions. I did manage to become animagi after all." I smirked and looked at Kingsley. "I won't say anything if you won't."

"My lips are sealed. I'm also not becoming a witness. Jade and dark magic aren't a good mix." Kingsley laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up and eat your dinner, Kingsley."



"Sorry! Reg wants to be with you three." Sirius panted running behind Regulus with Marlene on his back.

"It's okay. The potion is almost done, by the way." Solis shrugged. "You got the necklaces Bill?"

"Yeah, and Fleur carved some protection runes on them just in case. How you holding up, auntie?" Bill handed Solis the necklaces and put an arm around my shoulder.

"I'm grasping at straws. If it's not me, it's my brother. My brother's dead so that means it's my godson. Harry's not here, which means that my children are next. I swear to Merlin that I'm gonna kill Bellatrix with my bare hands if she's the one behind this. I'll fucking do it." I mumbled.

"Uncle Sirius, she's feeling murdery again." Charlie smirked. "Nothing's gonna happen to the twins, auntie. Aside from the runes, the necklace has dragon skin for extra protection. And let me be clear that it was added against my will."

"It wasn't any of your dragons so shut up." Tonks rolled her eyes. "You two ready?"

"Vixen's doing the spell, I'm just backup. She has more knowledge in dark magic than I do." Sirius shrugged and took Regulus. "I'll be in the next room with Moony if you need me."

"All right, the necklaces are in. You have to cast the charm now, Vixen." Solis said and I nodded. Tonks pulled her back and I stood in front of the cauldron.

"Wandless or-"

"I'll do it wandless. My wand felt funny the day I crucio'd Bella and I'm not having anything traced back to this." I shrugged. "Give me the knife and get Sirius."

"Sirius, we need you!" Fleur yelled and handed me the knife. "Should I ask where you got it?"

"No. And careful with it." I mumbled and handed it to Sirius. "Ladies first."

"Rude." Sirius rolled his eyes and cut the palm of his hand letting the blood pour over the cauldron. "Now you."

I did the same and let the blood pour for a few seconds.

"All right that's enough." He nodded and pulled his hand back.

"Why blood?" Bill asked and looked at me. "Auntie, you can't-"

"I can and I will. The only way I can assure that the twins will be safe is with a blood protection charm. I don't know why I didn't think of this with James before he died." I shrugged and cast the charm. "There. It's done. Now what?"

"We put them on the twins and hope that it works." Bill said taking out the necklaces from the cauldron and handing them to Sirius.

We all walked to the living room and Sirius kneeled in front of the twins.

"Okay so your mum and I have presents for the two of you and-"

"PRESENTS!" They yelled in unison and I laughed.

"Yes, presents. They're very special you see. But you can't take them off no matter what. Okay? Can you promise your mum and I?" They nodded and Sirius helped them put on the necklace.

"Now we wait, huh?"

"Now we wait."

The Aftermath (Sequel to The Fifth Marauder) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now