The Ministry

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"They're finally asleep?"

"Yes, finally! The two of them have a nice set of lungs, y'know? Even Sirius fell asleep in the nursery. Poor boy hasn't slept properly since they were born." I laughed and sat down next to Solis. "It's nice to see you again, y'know? We haven't caught up in a spell."

"I know right! I missed seeing your face, Vixen. Remus gave me a recap of what happened and I'm so sorry I wasn't there." I shrugged and leaned on her shoulder.

"It's fine, Sunny. You're back now and hopefully permanently?" I asked hopefully and she laughed.

"We'll see, Jade. Where's Moony?"

"Sleeping in the nursery also. Like literally on the floor of the nursery next to Sirius." We both laughed and I yawned.

"You should get some sleep too, Vix." She said and I shook my head.

"I can't. I have this odd feeling that something is going to happen soon and I don't know what it is. It's been keeping me up for days." I mumbled.

"It's probably your maternal instincts kicking in. I'm sure everything is fine."

"I hope so too, Sunny."


"You ever get the feeling that something bad is gonna happen soon?"

"You're paranoid, sunshine. It's the lack of sleep." Sirius smirked and took Marlene from me. "She's definitely a daddy's girl."

"I'm not being paranoid, Pads. Something is gonna happen. I have a gut feeling." I shrugged and looked at Regulus who was still asleep. "He's an angel and yet Marlene provokes him."

"I like to think that Marlene is actually Marlene reincarnated. And you having a gut feeling? That's paranoia. The kids are safe in school, sunshine."

"I didn't mention the kids. Sirius, what do you know that I don't?" I asked.

"Let's be honest here. You probably know way more than I do. Just the usual. The prophecy thing and the fact that Harry is giving secret DADA classes." He shrugged and kissed my forehead. "You're just paranoid. Try and get some rest. Moony, Sunny and I will take care of the twins."

"You sure?"



"Tonks? Where's Sirius?"

"He told me not to tell you, but you're probably gonna give me a look and I'll cave in, so I'll just tell you. He's at the Ministry." She mumbled while feeding Regulus. "Solis has Marlene, by the way."

"Tonks, get Bill and Charlie and grab a jacket. We're going to the Ministry." I said and walked to the kitchen. "Molly, I know it's probably a lot to ask but-"

"Yes, Jade. I'll take care of the twins. Just make sure that all of you come back here alive." I nodded and hugged her.

"We will."


"Miss me?"

"What the bloody hell are you doing here, Jade!?" Sirius yelled.

"I could ask you the same thing. I'm getting my revenge finally. Your turn" I smirked.

"But the twins-"

"They'll sleep till dawn and Reg will snore just like his father. It's you who needs me tonight." I smiled and turned around to face Harry. "Out of all things, you just had to do this? Really?"

The Aftermath (Sequel to The Fifth Marauder) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now