The locket

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"I do."

"Well then! Bill, you may kiss the bride!" Sirius smiled and Bill dipped Fleur and kissed her making us all cheer.

"Are you sure it's okay to have a wedding in the middle of a war?" Harry whispered to me.

"I thought the same thing when your mum and dad got married. But if not now, when? We all deserve some happiness even if it's just for a little while." I shrugged. "Besides, I got married a week after I graduated and look at us now. Nineteen years later and still going strong."

"How the hell did you manage to put up with Sirius all these years?" Hermoine chuckled.

"Twelve years in Azkaban, five hundred mental breakdowns, a miscarriage at the age of twenty one, a war, almost getting killed by Moony, so many pranks, him dangling from a chandelier, and a lot of patience. You tell me." I smirked. "He's not all bad, y'know? That's actually me. When we started dating everyone thought it was going to be toxic because a Gryff was dating a Snake, but after two months everyone wanted to be us. We balance each other out and when we can't, we have Remus as a referee."

"How come I'm a referee!?" Remus protested.

"Because I say so. You're my mistress which means you do as I say." I shrugged.

"What I want to stop becoming your mistress?" Remus smirked and I looked at him appalled.

"You wouldn't dare! I'll start crying. Don't test me, Remus John Lupin."

"Oh no, full names again. What happened?" Sirius asked putting an arm around me.

"Remus said he wants to stop being my mistress."

"She's calling him by his name. That's never good." Solis laughed. "Why do you want to stop being her mistress?"

"I'll start crying. I'll fucking do it."

"What the hell is going on?" I heard Ron whisper to Harry.

"This happens a lot believe it or not. You get used to it." Harry whispered back.

"I love this." Ginny said laughing.

"Maybe I'm getting tired of it." Remus shrugged still smirking.

"You take that back Remus Lupin! I treat you like a queen and this is how you choose to pay me? I am appalled, offended and hurt. Honestly, you can't get a good mistress these days." I shook my head and Sirius started laughing.

"Moony, what will it take for you to become her mistress again?" Solis laughed.

"More time with my godchildren."

"DEAL!" I yelled and hugged Remus. "Sirius, I got my mistress back!"

"That you did, sunshine."


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