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"Make me." I mumbled and pulled the covers over my head. Suddenly, I was yanked from the bed and onto the floor. "RUDE!"

"Shut up, we're gonna miss the train!" Remus yelled and threw me my clothes. "Shower and get dressed. I'll brew some coffee for you."

"Why are we taking the train again?" I yawned and rubbed my head. "And now my head hurts, thanks."

"Because reasons! Don't you want to sit in our old compartment again?" Remus helped me stand up and kissed my forehead.

"Not when I'm being woken up at seven thirty in the morning. I'm usually up after noon."

"I know. You only wake up early the night of the full moon. Now hurry up, we leave in thirty minutes." Remus shrugged and left. I groaned and threw myself on the bed again.

You think that being in your early thirties has its perks. It really doesn't.

"HA! Didi's old!"

"And you're not."



"Coffee, now. It's to early for this shit. And to think that I barely slept when I was in my teens. I am so regretting that now."

"Yeah? I wonder why?" Remus rolled his eyes and handed me my coffee and some breakfast. "I've barely slept. The memories were too much."

"You were looking at the pictures, weren't you?" Remus nodded and I sighed. "Moony, there's a reason those pictures are in boxes in the closet. We only take them out when you want me to break something."

"I couldn't resist! Besides, look at what I found." Remus smirked and handed me some pictures. "I think you might want to take these with you."


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The Aftermath (Sequel to The Fifth Marauder) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now