Christmas at Grimmuald Place

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"I'M BACK! And why are there so many people here? Shouldn't you all be in school?"

"It's Dad, auntie." Bill mumbled looking at the fireplace. "It's Dad."

"What happened?" I asked and sat down next to Ginny who immediately wrapped her arms around me and started to cry.

"There was an attack in the Ministry and he got hit. He's at St. Mungo's with Mum, Sirius and Lupin. We're not allowed to leave this place until they have news." Ron said not looking up at me.

"Please tell me you weren't there, auntie." Charlie pleaded and I shook my head. "Good."

"I was trying to get dirt on Umbitch. That toad cleans up her tracks real good. Even better than I do." I said and played with Ginny's hair. Harry stood up and sat down next to me and leaned on my shoulder. "You okay, Bambi?"

"If maybe I acted faster or-"

"Don't do this to yourself, Harry. You told Dumbledore just in time." Hermoine said and I looked at the twins who were leaning against each other not saying anything.

"Yeah, mate. If it weren't for you, Dad would be-" Ron couldn't finish his sentence because Ginny cried harder.

"Your Dad's a fighter, guys. He won't leave you all alone. He'll be okay. You'll see."

"Do we have anymore firewhiskey, auntie? I need a drink." Bill said and I shook my head.

"Sirius drank it all remember? All we have is butterbeer. You want me to get you guys some?" They all nodded and Charlie took my spot. "Bill, come help me."

We walked into the kitchen and Bill fell to his knees crying.

"That's my Dad, auntie. Not him, please. Not him." Bill sobbed and I kneeled down next to him pulling him into a hug. "Charlie and I are trying to stay strong for them. But that's our Dad, auntie. He sacrificed so much for us and-"

"I know. Let it out, it's okay. I'm here." I rubbed his back and looked at the ceiling fighting my own tears.

James, if you can hear me, please tell me that Arthur's okay. I can't handle more deaths in this family. Please tell me that he's gonna be okay.

"He'll be okay. They got there just in time. Take care of the kids, Didi. It'll be okay."

Thanks, Prongs.


"We're back."

"Any news?" I asked still playing with Ginny's hair.

"He's gonna be okay. We got there just in time, thank Merlin." Remus said and everyone sighed in relief.

Thank you, James.

"Anytime, Didi."

"When can we see him?" Bill asked hopefully.

"Tomorrow we'll take you all to see him. For now, all of you need to rest up. That includes you too, Vix." Sirius said kissing my forehead.

"We could do that or we could decorate for Christmas for when your dad arrives." I offered and everyone perked up a bit. "See? I win."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're all gonna have to work fast if we want this place to look decent enough for Christmas. You guys in?" Sirius asked and they all nodded. "Great. Sunshine, you're the one with the eye for decor, you're in charge."

"That's you, Sirius. She's the one who barks orders at everyone." Remus smirked.

"How fast can we get a Christmas tree?" I asked looking at Charlie.

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