Breaking in

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"What are you three doing?"

"Polyjuice." Solis, Hermoine and I said in unison.

"This isn't going to end good for Umbridge, is it?" Remus smirked leaning on the doorway.

"I've been wanting to give that pink bitch a piece of my mind since last decade. The kids are using the potion, I plan on getting in using my good looks and the Potter charm." I smirked and looked at Hermoine. "You got the hairs and clothes?"

"Yes. Don't ask how I got them."

"I won't ask if you don't ask where I got the skull." I gave her a look and she nodded.

"Why is there a skull here again? And I see you've been messing around with hair potions again. Blue? Seriously?" Sirius asked reaching towards it but I swatted his hand away. "Rude."

"It's embedded with Dark Magic, dum dum. I know people who know people who owe me favors.One touch and you're dead faster than you can say Aconite." I shrugged. "And yes, blue. Your twin did it and I'm not mad at it. Deal with it."

"How come I never met those people?" Remus asked.

"Because I never let you. You're a soul that's too pure for this world, unlike me who's soul is as black as they come. That skull is only for collateral damage. Kinda like me!" I smiled and Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Not funny."

"It's hilarious, actually. I've been used as collateral more times than I could count!" I shrugged.

"How many times exactly?" Ron asked.

"Let's recap, shall we? Fifth year, the war, the time I was captured, the war, the shack, did I mention the war yet? No? Then the war. Oddly enough, all of those times Snape was around somewhere. Talk about ironies, no?"

"How many people owe you favors, Jade?" Harry asked looking at the skull.

"A lot." I shrugged.

"And how do you know these people?"

Sirius, Remus, Solis and I shared a look and laughed.

"Marlene." We all said in unison.

"Vixen was the scary one, Marlene was the negotiator. If things didn't go her way, she'd call her demon and then things went smoothly." Solis laughed and I nodded. "Three guesses on who's the demon?"

"Jade?" Ron asked.

"Yep. Back in school everyone feared her. She was the embodiment of what a Slytherin stood for. Cunning and ambitious. Nobody dared mess with us, and those who did are either traumatized or possibly dead." Remus shrugged.

"You say things like that and people think that I'm the spawn of Satan." I laughed and looked at the potion. "I think it's done. Sunny, you were so much better at potions than I was."

"What was your strongest subject, Jade?" Hermoine asked curiously.

"DADA and Charms. Though Moony was better at DADA then I was, I still enjoyed it."

"Don't forget you mastered wandless magic and nonverbal spells in fourth year, sunshine." Sirius said walking into the kitchen with Marlene clinging onto his leg. "Kit thinks it's playtime while Pup is napping. Are you sure they're related?"

"Pretty sure since I pushed them out of my vagina a little over a year ago." I rolled my eyes and grabbed Marlene. "Do you want to give your dad a break and take a nap, Kit?"

"No!" She yelled and reached out to Sirius whining. He shook his head smiling and grabbed her.

"Told you she's a Daddy's girl."

The Aftermath (Sequel to The Fifth Marauder) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now