Questions pt. 3

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"I sometimes forget how terrifying you are sometimes." Sirius laughed and I shrugged.

"How could you forget!? She could look at a dementor and not feel a thing!" Remus exclaimed.

"We're not repeating Harry's third year, Moony. No more dementors for me." I rolled my eyes. "I don't want to force judgment onto you kids, but that just my personal experience with the Headmaster. I like to think he's changed but something tells me that he hasn't."

"Things were different, Harry. And I think that he underestimated Jade on more than one occasion." Sirius shrugged.

"Can we just talk about the fact that Vix, Lily and Marls were inseparable in this photo." Remus laughed and handed Harry a picture.

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"I swear those three together were the Marauders' worst nightmare

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"I swear those three together were the Marauders' worst nightmare." Sirius laughed. "Alongside Alice and Dorcas, they formed 'the female Marauders'."

"And yet we always dragged you boys with us." I smirked. "I miss that bitch like crazy."

"But how was it Dumbledore's fault?" Hermoine asked and I sighed.

"He wanted Marlene to go alone to face Bellatrix. It was supposed to be a quick mission but it took longer than expected and that's when we grew worried. Before she left, I begged her to let me go with her and I even begged Dumbledore. I've faced Bellatrix on countless occasions so I know what to expect and how to manipulate her. But Dumbledore didn't listen to me and instead sent me to another place far away from Marlene." I shrugged and handed Harry another picture. "This was one of our best days before I was taken. We all escaped the Order for a week and decided to go camping somewhere in Ireland. The entire gang is there."

"Even Neville's parents?" Harry smiled slightly and we nodded

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"Even Neville's parents?" Harry smiled slightly and we nodded.

"It was amusing to see Alice bring out all the booze and Frank trying to understand where did she get it." Remus laughed.

"What happened to them?" Ginny asked and Remus and I tensed.

"Not our place to tell, Ginny. Some things are best left unanswered." I said sadly.

"Now comes the best part." Sirius changed the topic. "The day Bambi was born!"

"I just remember Prongs fainting and Vixen having to step in." Remus laughed.

"As always. It was amusing watching Padfoot slap Bam Bam awake just in time." I shrugged. "You guys ready?"


"Okay okay. We had to go to a muggle hospital because technically they were in hiding. Prongs was so confused it was hilarious. Now, the day you were born we were-"

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