Questions pt. 5

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"So if it wasn't for Dumbledore-"

"Sirius would've been home way earlier, we would've raised Harry, and he wouldn't have fourteen years of childhood trauma on him." I rolled muse eyes and shrugged. "I like to think that he wasn't all that bad, but then I remember that and what happened when Sirius escaped and all the good just flies out the window. I'm not saying that all of you should go and hate Dumbledore now, I'm just saying my own experience."

"So what happened after all that?" Hermoine asked.

"Not much. Sirius was still locked up, Jade was losing her sanity slowly but surely and I was working odd jobs just to make ends meet." Remus shrugged.

"Didn't you come to visit the Burrow after that?" Ginny asked and I shook my head. "Why?"

"Word got out that I was trying to get Sirius a fair trial. I was already deemed as the crazy wife of a murderer, so me trying to set him free was the icing on the cake. I decided to just distance myself from the world and hope for the best one day. But that didn't stop me from still going to the Ministry and demanding my husband got a free trial. News flash, it never happened."

"What about you? Did you know?" Ron asked Sirius who sighed and shook his head.

"At first I didn't until I somehow got my hands on the Daily Prophet and saw the piece that Skeeter did on Vix. I just remember punching a wall and screaming until Bellatrix yelled at me to shut up from like three floors up." Sirius shrugged.

"That's just rude." I chuckled. "Anyways, those other seven years were pretty boring so we're just gonna skip them."

"It's for the best." Remus butted in. "How about the story of when I became professor. Sirius doesn't know it and the kids don't know all of it."

"Ah yes. The year I was more animagi than human. I once scratched Mrs. Norris so bad that she didn't roam the halls for a month. You're welcome." I said looking at the twins.

"Why didn't I think of that!? I'm a dog for Merlin's sake." Sirius laughed and I rolled my eyes smiling.

"Probably because Vix didn't tell you to do it. And you did, and still do, everything that she tells you." Remus smirked and the kids started laughing.

"I do not!" I gave him a look. "Yes I do."

"So does Moony. But then again he's not the one married, yet." I smirked.

"Vixen, stop."

"I'm just saying that it's a possibility! You really should jump that gun, Moony. She's a nice girl and I approve of her." I shrugged and he blushed slightly.

"Can we just continue with the story? We're not discussing my love life in front of the kids." Remus mumbled and Sirius and I laughed.

"Know this, Moony. You and I both know very well that Vixen is never wrong." Sirius smirked and Remus hit him in the head. "Rude!"

"No killing each other in front of the kids. You two can do that later." I said and hit them both. "Anyways, the story starts back when-"

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