Captured pt. 2

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~Sirius POV~

"Hi, Regulus." Lily smiled softly. "How are you?"

"Trying to survive. What happened to Jade?" Regulus looked at me.

"Nott and Snape captured her a month and a half ago, Reg. We don't know where she is. Please tell me you know where she is?" I begged and Regulus shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Siri. I haven't been on any meetings since I'm in school and I haven't seen any Deatheaters around here. But I think I can help a bit." Regulus took out some notes from his bag. "I've been wrapping my brain around all the possible places they could be hiding her and with who. We know Nott is involved since he has a personal vendetta against Jade. Snape is Nott's chew toy so he'll do anything Nott says. It's possible Malfoy could be involved but I'm not sure because Cissy wrote to me last week saying that he was spending time with her."

"What about Bellatrix and the Lestrange gang?" James asked worriedly.

"Could be, but she's probably still alive since they probably took her for information. If Bella is involved, Jade wouldn't stand a chance." Regulus shrugged. "Crouch, I'm not so sure he's involved since he doesn't have anything against Jade."

"How do you know all of this, Regulus?" Remus asked.

"Mum opened her house for meetings over break so I managed to see some of them. I'm not in the inner circle since I'm still in school, thank Merlin." Regulus said making me sigh in relief.

"Where are the locations, Reg?"

"One's in downtown London but I doubt they have her there, the other is close to Diagon Alley but that's highly unlikely since they'll be getting a lot of attention. The last one is just by York and that's my best guess. It's where a lot of the meetings happen. There's also the Lestrange Manor but I highly doubt it since she'll be dead before she reaches it. I have an owl coming in by the post and it's from Bella." Regulus said standing up. "Let's go."

We all walked to the post office and there stood the owl. Regulus took the note and the owl flew away.

"She's not in York, that's for sure." Regulus mumbled and handed me the note.

She's in the place where bad things happen. It's only a matter of time.


"The place where bad things happen? Where's that?" Lily asked reading the note.

"Not here. Let's go to the castle." Regulus said.

"Reg, we can't go inside. We graduated, remember?" I pointed out the obvious.

"You, James and Remus have walked these castle grounds more times than I could count. I'm positive you know a way in." Regulus smirked. "I'll see you by the dungeons in fifteen minutes."

"So Honeydukes?" Remus shrugged.

"Remus, now's not the time for chocolate." Lily scolded making us laugh.

"You're a Marauder now, Lily. I'm sure you know that we always have a way." James said grabbing her hand and running to Honeydukes.


"Took you all long enough." Regulus smirked leaning on a wall.

"Shut up, Regulus. Tell us what it means before we get caught and Minnie will kick us out on our asses." James rolled his eyes.

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