Five years

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"So it's a possibility? I can have my husband back?"

"If and only if you two agree to testify under the effects of Veritaserum. If not, then I don't want to know what the consequences might be." Bagnold leaned back and I smiled.

"And what about my godson?" I asked hopefully.

"If Sirius is released, I will personally talk to Dumbledore about you two getting full custody of your godson." She smiled and I screamed excitedly. "I wouldn't get my hopes up since this will most likely cause some chaos at Law Enforcement. You must remember this is a democracy, Jade. If they say no, then I'm sorry but it's out of my hands."

"You hear that? That's the sound of my hopes and dreams being shattered." I rolled my eyes eyes and gave her a look. "Just when my life was getting back together, you had to rip it. You know how hard these past five years have been? HELL, MILLICENT. HELL! I'm living in hell!"

"It's been hard on all of us, Jade."

"Look, just tell me that there's a possibility of Sirius getting a fair trial and soon. I'd like for him to come home with a little bit of sanity and dignity. Please." I said tearing up. "I just want my family back. I don't have much left. Please, Millicent."

"I'll talk to Law Enforcement right now, Jade. That's a promise." I nodded and hugged her.

"Thank you."



"I'm home!"

"I HAVE NEWS!" I yelled and ran towards him. "GOOD NEWS! TAKE A GUESS! GO ON!"

"I can finally get a proper job?" He asked hopefully.

"Okay, that's sad as fuck." I gave him a look and he sighed sitting down.

"Sorry, Vix. It's been a long ass day and the moon is in a week and a half. Now tell me the good news. What's on your mind?"

"Are you sure you don't wanna talk about it?" I asked and played with his hair.

"The usual happened. But it's okay, Vix. I promise. Now tell me the good news, you're acting jittery." Remus chuckled and I started smiling.


"HE WHAT! JADE, WE DON'T KID ABOUT THINGS LIKE THIS!" Remus stood up and I nodded. "FINALLY! How the hell did you manage this?"

"Five years of bugging the Minister finally paid off. Sirius and I will have to confess under veritaserum but I don't fucking care. OUR PADFOOT MIGHT COME HOME, MOONY!" I started to cry and hugged him. "Padfoot might finally come home."

"And what about Harry? What's gonna happen to him?" Remus asked crying also.

"If Sirius is released, Millicent will talk to Dumbledore personally and give Sirius and I full custody of Harry. Can you believe it, Moony? After five long years, things are finally looking up for us."

"Well it's about damn time, too!"

"You're telling me! Padfoot is bored as hell and it's pissing me off."

"James, you do know that they can't hear you right?"

"I don't care. Sirius is pissing me off."

"James, he's in Azkaban."

"Who's fault was that Lily? I told him to walk away."

"Technically it's half and half but okay then."

"Shut up, Lily."


~Sirius POV~

Five years. That's how long I've been here. Fuck my life, I'M SO BORED!


"James, for the last time. THEY CAN'T HEAR YOU!"


I wonder how Jade is doing. I miss her so much. I never should've left her alone.


"Lily, they can't hear you."


I really do hope that Remus is with her. That's what helps me 'sleep' at night. Is Regulus with her too?

"Well you see-"



Believe it or not, I miss that little shit. I hope he's okay.

"Lils, he's breaking my heart. I'm gonna tell him."

"How, James? You're dead."


"Why? Just why?"

"Can someone come get him? It's been a month and there's still no trial. Something isn't right here."

"I know, right? Umm, James? Jade is crying and just threw another plate close to Remus' head. Should we?"

"That doesn't look good. Let's go. I'm right behind you."


~Jade's POV~

"Jade? It's okay-"

"IT'S NOT OKAY, REMUS! LOOK AT THE LETTER!" I sobbed and threw him the letter. "He's not getting out. I FUCKING HATE DUMBLEDORE!"

"We hate him too, Didi."


"Don't defend Dumbledore, Remus Lupin. I'll hex you." I mumbled and sat down putting my head in my hands. "Padfoot's not coming back and it's all Dumbledore's fault."

"I'm not going to defend him. I'm going to help my best friend. We should've seen this coming, Vix." Remus pulled me to his chest and I broke down into ugly sobs.

"I want him back, Moony. All of them. My heart was finally healing. I was finally feeling better. I had hopes and they're gone." I sobbed and Remus started to play with my hair.

"I had hopes too, little Vix. But we'll be okay. I'm not letting you shut yourself out again. Especially now since you've made so much progress." Remus kissed my head and rocked us back and forth trying to calm me down.

"Make the pain stop, Moony. Make it stop."

"I wish I could, Vix."

"Don't let her go, Moony. You're the only thing that's stopping her from losing herself. I'm sorry I'm not there to help."

The Aftermath (Sequel to The Fifth Marauder) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now