Locked up?

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"We've got injured! Molly, you in here!?"

"I just put the twins to sleep. I would appreciate it if you don't scream and- OH MERLIN! BILL!" Molly yelled and helped us keep Bill upright. "What happened?"

"Just a scratch, Mum." He smirked and I glared at him.

"Lucius Malfoy ring any bells? After I threw Bellatrix into the Veil, he went batshit crazy." I said and heard the twins start to cry. "I got it."

"No way. You're injured too. I'll bring them down." Sirius said and I nodded walking into the kitchen.

"I swear Mum! It's just a scratch!"

"It's always a scratch with you." Molly rolled her eyes and I chuckled looking at the ceiling.

"Sound familiar?"

"Bill takes so much after Jade, it's ridiculous!"

"He is closer to her out of all the Weasleys. It makes sense."

"Guess who wants to be with Mum?" Sirius smiled and handed me Regulus. "Definitely a momma's boy."

"Just like Marlene's a daddy's girl, so shut it. And give me your wand."

"Why? What happened to yours?" Sirius asked and handed me his wand.

"Mine feels weird after I crucio'd Bellatrix. I should've thought twice before casting that spell." I shrugged and helped Molly heal Bill. "There's a potion in the upstairs bathroom that should help heal those cuts properly. I suggest you take it before you go to bed."

"I will. Thanks, auntie. And you threw Bellatrix into the veil? That's impressive." He smiled and stood up.

"So that's why the room got colder! She was threatening someone!" Tonks laughed and wrapped Charlie's hand.



"I'm here for one reason and one reason only, Dumbledore. And that is to make sure that my godson comes to live with me."


"You promised that when Sirius was free, he would come live with us. Well guess what? Sirius' a free man, we have a family and my family won't be complete without Harry. Now, you're gonna write to Petunia and say that I'm gonna take my godson from him. Do I make myself clear?" I glared and he looked down.

"Now's really not the time, Jade. You must understand that-"

"No, you understand. You said that I wasn't able to take care of Harry alone. But then again, was as I ever alone? If my memory serves me right, Remus was with me those twelve years that Sirius was locked up. Funny, right? So I'm gonna save you the pain because you must have a lot of that right now, and I'm gonna make your life easier. I'm gonna go tell Harry that he will come live with us, and you'll stay here and tend to your wounded ego. Great? Great. Lovely chat, Albus. See you in the next meeting." I smirked and he sighed.

"Very well. You and Sirius can take care of Harry. But please-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know the drill. Make sure he's safe and watch out for potential threats. You want me to have a secretkeeper too?" I crossed my arms glaring at him. "You do know that like ninety-nine percent of his traumas are your fault, right? I'm just saying."



"What are you doing?"

"Come look at them, sunshine! I just gave them a bath." Sirius smiled and I walked inside the nursery.

"Both of them? And they didn't fuss?" I asked and he nodded. "That's it, I suck as a parent. And they look adorable like that."

The Aftermath (Sequel to The Fifth Marauder) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now