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"Are you sure about this, Harry? This is very advanced magic. Far more advanced than the ordinary wizarding level."

"I'm sure." Harry nodded and Remus walked down the stairs with me on his shoulder.

"Well, everything is prepared. Now the spell I'm going to try and teach you is called the Patronus charm. Did you ever hear of it?" Harry shook his head. "No? Well, a patronus is a kind of positive force and for the wizard who could conjure one, it works like a shield with with a dementor feeding on it rather than him. But in order for it to work, you need to think of a memory. Not just any memory, a very happy memory, a very powerful memory. Can you do this?"

"I'm excited to see what his patronus will be!"

"I'm so glad Jade came up with this idea."


"Very good." Remus sat me down next to him and I prepared myself for the worst. "Close your eyes, concentrate, explore your past. Do you have a memory? Allow it to fill you up, lose yourself with it and speak the incantation Expecto patronum."

Harry repeated the spell and I jumped down from the trunk and looked at the grindylow. It kinda looks like my mother in law. But that's an insult to grindylows everywhere.


"Wand at the ready." Remus said and I tensed looking at Harry. Remus released the boggart and it immediately turned into a dementor. Oh shit.

"Oh shit!"


Harry fainted again and I looked at Remus who immediately put the boggart back in the trunk.

"SHIT!" He yelled and went to wake up Harry. "I told you this wasn't a good idea!"

It's a great idea and you're pissed you haven't thought of it first.


"Here we go. Come on, sit up." Remus helped Harry and I immediately ran towards them. "It's alright. I didn't expect you to do it the first time. That would've been remarkable! Here, eat this."

Harry took the chocolate and I sat on his lap making him smile softly.

"That's one nasty dementor." Umm, look. We're your aunt and uncle but there's no way we're making you face a dementor like this. We're dumb, but not stupid. We'll leave the stupidity for Sirius.

"That was a boggart, Harry. The real thing will be much much worse." Remus stood up and lit the candles. Look at him with his wandless magic just like I taught him. I'm proud of my mistress. "Matter of interest, what memory were you thinking of?"

"The first time I rode a broom." Bitch what? That won't even tickle the dementor. That didn't even tickle my black heart.

"Well that's not good enough. That's not nearly good enough." Remus shrugged and looked at me.

"There's another. It's not happy exactly. But what it is, it's the happiest I've ever felt. But it's complicated." Well stop the dramatics and show us! I'm intrigued.

"Is it strong?" Harry nodded and Remus smiled softly. "Then let's give it a try. You feel ready?"

"Just do it." Harry took out his wand and I tensed again. This better fucking work.

"Expecto Patronum!" IT WORKED!

"YES! That's my boy!"


The Aftermath (Sequel to The Fifth Marauder) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now