11. Our Little Leader

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Seokjin pulled up to the dorm where he had called the rest of the band to

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Seokjin pulled up to the dorm where he had called the rest of the band to. Namjoon babbled nervously in the backseat of the car, in a new car seat Seokjin bought for him and even let him put Ryan stickers on. He seemed to be talking to himself. Seokjin turned the ignition to park, then sighed and looked at Namjoon a reassuring smile.

"Are you ready, gumdrop? They'll love you." Seokjin urged, snapping Namjoon out of it. He looked up with expectant eyes before nodding and making grabby hands to be unfastened from his seatbelt.

Seokjin went to the backseat to unfasten Namjoon, and was about to carry him when Namjoon slipped out of the car himself, stumbling clumsily. Seokjin realized that he must be old enough to walk and navigate himself.

"How old are you, Joonie?" Seokjin asked, holding Namjoon's hand and walking him to the door.

"Fouw..." Namjoon mumbled.

Seokjin nodded and ringed the dorm doorbell, which earned him yells and a few moments later, Hoseok answering the door.

"Yah! Hyung! Namjjoon-ah! You could have just used your keys!" Hoseok laughed, opening the door to them. He eyed Namjoon up and down, who was clad in a yellow skirt, fluffy white sweater, and glitter on his face, before realizing that this wasn't very odd, especially for Namjoon.

"Hewwo Hobi..." Namjoon whispered. Hoseok perked up, confused.

"No 'hyung?'" Hoseok questioned, earning a glance from Seokjin, which shut him up. The three walked into the house and were greeted by screams from their friends. Upon hearing the screams from the extravagant living room, Namjoon buried his face into Seokjin's chest.

"Namjoon-hyung! Jin-hyung!" Jimin waved, laying upside down over the cough, while Taehyung played with the hem of his shirt, trying to touch his belly button. Suga was on his phone in the corner of the room and Jungkook was on the stairwell, about to jump down before he saw Seokjin, who would definitely scold him.

"Aish... be quieter! Stop screaming!" Seokjin scolded, turning to Namjoon, who clung to him. "Joonie... go sit by Jimin. You're okay..." He whispered so that only the little could hear. Namjoon nodded and did a little waddle to where Jimin and Taehyung were on the couch and sat on the edge of the couch.

"Hey hyung, where've you been?" Taehyung turned to Namjoon and asked, cocking his head sideways. "I had an idea for the album... it's really a song I've been working on, but-"

"No 'hyung'...." Namjoon whined. "Jus Joonie! No hyungie!!"

"What?" Jimin asked, startled by the babyish voice. Namjoon looked at him with cute puppy eyes and Taehyung looked unphased.

"Namjoon, what-" Yoongi began, before being shut down by Namjoon.

"NO! NO! JOONIE! NOT NAMJOON!" Namjoon yelled, folding his arms in frustration. "JOONIE WIDDLE AN CHU NO BE NICE! IT JOONIE!"

Jungkook nearly fell off of the banister and onto the first floor, before regaining his balance. Hoseok looked at Seokjin with answers, who groaned in frustration.

This is NOT how it was supposed to go.

"Joonie! Hey, Joonie, look at me, gumdrop. Baba's here." Seokjin ran to Namjoon, who was teary eyes and upset and scooped him up, sitting where Namjoon had been. The rest of the group looked simply bewildered, looking at Seokjin with eyes that demanded an explaination.

"Good boy." Seokjin sighed and put a pacifier between Namjoon's lips to get him to hush, making the younger quiet down. "He's... a little. Which means he's like... an adult baby, I guess." Seokjin grasped for the right explaination, but couldn't really find it. "He kind of goes into this state of mind where he is a little kid. He's somewhere between the age of 2-4 from what I've seen, but it changes. It's a safe space, most people do it because of trauma or stress, some do it just for fun. And I... found out back in May, but I took care of him."

Seokjin didn't look up into the eyes of the band members once, but instead stared down at Namjoon's who he craddled gently. Namjoon couldn't understand much of what was happening, if he did, he surely would have corrected Seokjin by now.

"Wait... run that back?" Hoseok asked, completely confused by the situation. "It's not that it's bad... he's a what now?"

Yoongi nodded understandingly. "I've heard of this. It's fine, nothing to be bothered about. Let Namjoon do Namjoon, you know." He shrugged, unbothered and honestly not really caring about the news. "He isn't hurting anyone, and it seems like a good enough way to cope."

"Oh." Taehyung simply said, pulling an odd face. Seokjin was about to ask why he looked so... distasteful, when Taehyung beat him to it. "Nothing, I just... Namjoon, of all people? Odd."

"Odd? Hyung be nice, he's so cute!!" Jungkook pushed Taehyung out of the way and cooed at Namjoon, who giggled from behind his pacifier. "Aw Rapmon-hyungie is widdle isn't he? Isn't he?" Jungkook cooed, the cool and collected boy not caring if he broke his facade, in pursuit of Namjoon's happy giggles.

"I know right?! Our hyung is a baby!!" Jimin's eyes crinkled up when he smiled, staring at Namjoon who started to feel overwhelmed with 2 of the 3 maknaes shoving their faces into his. "Isn't he? He's such a cutie pie!"

"So... it's not an act?" Hoseok asked genuinely. Seokjin shook his head. "Awww! Cute!" Hoseok clapped excitedly.

"Nope. He's genuinely got the mind of a three-or-so year old." Seokjin said, still holding the little, who playfully smushed Jimin's cheeks. "Our little leader is such a cute, little baby! Yes, he is!" Seokjin comforted, while Namjoon made contented noises from behind his pacifier.

"I'm tired." Taehyung grunted, doing a little salute and a half-hearted smile before sulking off to his room. The others groaned in annoyance and Seokjin muttered 'This is why we can't have nice things. Taehyung has to ruin it'. Jimin stuck his tongue out and waved him off.

"Oh! Tae's just grumpy because nobody is gonna pay attention to him!" Jimin laughed a little, making an insensitive joke that Taehyung, who was not yet out of earshot, heard. He sulked up the stairs more. "He's still my baby, though! Isn't that right, Taehyung?"

Jimin got no answer. Taehyung stomped up the stairs, upset. He stopped at his room and sadly opened the door, looking at the fluffy things on his bed that resembled bears and odd blobs of color. He fell onto his bed, exhausted, clutching the soft things tightly, murmuring gibberish to himself.

He was gonna do it. He was supposed to tell them soon, but then Namjoon did it first. There was no way he could tell them now, or he'd steal the little's spotlight. And no way he'd stay there around Namjoon either, or he'd slip...

Because Kim Taehyung too, is a little.

A/N: :0 Tae Tae's a widdle!! He a baby toos!! 
I gonna wite mowe soon!! <3 - Max

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