33. Unresolved Mishap

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Namjoon's hands shook and his phone fell on the floor

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Namjoon's hands shook and his phone fell on the floor. His eyes were widened and his head was dizzy. His chest felt tight suddenly.

"J-Jinnie!" Namjoon yelled out to Seokjin, trembling. His phone turned off on the ground after not being touched for so long. Seokjin, who had been in the kitchen, turned off the stove and turned around, confused.

"Namjoon? Are you alright?" Seokjin asked genuinely. Namjoon shook his head and didn't say a word. He pointed at the phone on the ground. Seokjin carefully approached the phone, as if he were scared to touch it. What could it be? A jump scare? Cursed image? Hate comment? He held it and unlocked it, nearly forgetting Namjoon's passcode, before entering it warily.

"Namjoon... it's just Twitter?" Seokjin furrowed his eyebrows. "What's wrong with Twitter?"

Namjoon was silent as Seokjin was looking around the page. It was on the Trending page and he thought to maybe investigate the trending hashtags. He read the first one, which was some kind of memorial for a popular actor in the U.S..
The second hashtag read "#Namjin".

Seokjin wasn't surprised. The fans were always shipping the two together, so they must have done something in Dynamite that caught their eye. He thought maybe it was the little dance they had to make up for the Bangtan Bomb. That was cute enough to be ship worthy, he guessed.

But, when he clicked the hashtag, he was met with only one photo, circulated countless times in different posts. It was blurry, but their faces could be made out, even in the evening light. Two tall figures were playing on playground equipment. A man who was no doubt Namjoon, was at the bottom of a swirly spiral slide, smiling the biggest anyone had ever seen him. His blue hair was visible, and Seokjin was visible next to him, looking suspiciously right into the camera, with a look of panic.

Seokjin scrolled a little more, shook up by the trending photo.

The third hashtag had read "#Namjoon", the fourth was "#RM". The fifth one on the list was about the actor who had presumably died, but the sixth one read "#Babynamjoon". He couldn't believe it.

"J-Jinnie..." Namjoon sniffled, not looking up. "They knows about Joonie... that... dat Joonie ish widdle..." he mumbled, his headspace dropping fast. Seokjin looked at him and put the phone down and sighed.

"I'm sure they don't know that you're a little. I think they just think it's a cute photo of us." Seokjin tried to assure him. "I let BigHit know what happened, so if it gets bad, they'll release a statement. And no, I didn't quite tell the managers or anyone about you regressing, either. I just warned them that a picture might get out is all. You're okay, gumdrop."

Namjoon wasn't satisfied with this. He snatched the phone from his caregiver's hands and scowled.

"No cus wook at it..." Namjoon scrolled dejectedly, before landing on a post from a user named "Bangtanns.lilarmy". It was the same circulated photo, but this time a pacifier had been edited onto Namjoon, the pink, shiny object photoshopped into his smiling mouth,

"Dey knows dat Joonie hab a paci. Dey knows I widdle, Baba! Wat we gonna do now?" Namjoon asked, not knowing what to do or where to go with this in his headspace, which was stuck somewhere between regression and being an adult, a leader's mindset.

Seokjin held him and cooed. Quite frankly, he wasn't nervous, considering how out-of-context that picture was. In all reality, it was probably only going to be assumed to be a paparazzi shot of the two, which happened a lot.  Not unordinary.

That one post with the pacifier was an anomaly that could be ignored. It had to be an anomaly. Maybe that user was a little or something and wanted to project... who knows?

"Nevermind that. I'll go talk to some managers and ask them to explain. How about... oh! I got it: you and Baba were just out after a picnic and were bored, so we went to go play. Kind of like... a date. Hm? How does that sound, sweetie?"

"Date?!" Namjoon gasped scandalously. He blushed and puffed out his cheeks a little. "You means... wat someone does when dey..." his voice dropped to a whisper as he looked into Seokjin's eyes. "... like-like someones?"

Seokjin cooed at the little's innocence, which he seemed to lack most of the time in his big state of mind. "Yes. But pretending, like when you play with your toys. It's a pretend date." He picked up Namjoon and carried him on his hip (he'd be lying if he said it wasn't hard, especially with the muscle that the leader had been putting on lately). The two walked down the hall and out of the living room, the younger clinging to Seokjin.

"Oh." Namjoon looked disappointed, but not upset. "Pwetend date... wike a pwaydate."

"Exactly. Speaking of play-dates..." Seokjin nodded and carried Namjoon to Taehyung's room, in which he knocked on the door lightly, asking for permission to come in. They were supposed to have a playdate today, if Taehyung was still in the mood to even regress into littlespace at the moment. They'd had playdates at least once every week so that they didn't get lonely and sad; they'd both had enough of that in he past, before the other members knew their secrets. Seokjin now stood at the door, ready to knock and be greeted by Taehyung...

Or, that was the plan. He would have if he wasn't interrupted.

There was a crashing sound from upstairs, which accompanied a loud, high-pitched wail. That was strange in itself; the two littles were downstairs, Seokjin was holding Namjoon, Jimin had been on the balcony watching the sunset, and Jungkook was out with some friends, probably not following COVID regulations.

That left only two possible people who could have made that noise: Yoongi and Hoseok.

And calling Seokjin bewildered would be an understatement if he'd ever heard one.

A/N: It's been a while! I'm really sorry, I just got a job and with working more hours and school ending, I didn't get to write. Super duper sorry, Soundwaves. I know this chapter isn't my best, but I wanted to update for y'all! :)
I also forgot to wish you all a happy Pride Month! I'm know I'm late, I'm sorry!! 🏳️‍🌈💜🏳️‍⚧️

I would like to announce that I go by he/they/tear/it and my name is in fact Max. Sometimes it is Maxwell, sometimes Maximum, sometimes Maxella. (It depends lol) but it is always shortened to Max. I am pansexual and genderfluid, which is an awesome thing to be. I want everyone to know that their identities and pronouns are valid as hell and that I love and support you.
Especially my queer littles. You guys struggle so much and I love you. Here's some cookies because you deserve them 🍪✨🍪✨🍪✨🍪

Anyways, I really hope you enjoyed the update! I'm writing part two of the Sope chapters so that'll be fun! I also have multiple other chapters in he works, so stay tuned! 💜 I love you Soundwaves!

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