8. A Little Tantrum

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"Joonie! You have to come eat!" Seokjin called for Namjoon, who sat on his couch in his huge living room

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"Joonie! You have to come eat!" Seokjin called for Namjoon, who sat on his couch in his huge living room. His legs were crossed and he held a little Koya pillow to his chest while he swayed happily back and forth. Seokjin had had enough of Namjoon not eating and decided to feed him something. It was now nighttime, and Namjoon had been in littlespace all day. The elder began to get worried.

"Hey, Joonie? You've gotta eat something!"

"No!" Namjoon pouted and folded his arms, furrowing his eyebrows and dropping Koya. Seokjin frowned. He knew the ice cream wasn't a good idea.

"Joonie, you haven't eaten all-"

"No!" Namjoon repeated, throwing himself on the ground and glaring at Seokjin.

Seokjin froze, before stomping into the kitchen to look for food and ignore the little's protests. Whether he liked it or not, he was gonna eat something.

Seokjin had no clue what to even feed him. He couldn't feed him bibimbap or pork or whatever. He felt like Namjoon needed something to fit his current headspace age, which he guessed was around two or three years old. But, did he have any food that could fit that? Seokjin opened the fridge as his eyes darted around frantically, while Namjoon pouted in the living room.

"Namjoon-" He stopped himself and lowered his voice down to a coo. "Uh, I mean, Joonie? Do you know if big Joonie has any food for little Joonie?" Seokjin kneeled down to the little, who still glared daggers at Seokjin. "Is there anything you'd like to eat? You must be hungry."

Namjoon's arms were crossed and his lips were curled into a pout. He wanted to throw his head and shake his little fists and protest, but also, his tummy was a little bit rumbly. He had to admit, he was hungry. He didn't want to tell Seokjin that, though.

"Wan... chicken nuggies..." He faced away from his hyung and whispered reluctantly. Seokjin obviously heard and grinned, having some idea of what to feed Namjoon. He got up slowly and walked back to the kitchen.

"Yah! Namjoon, why are you being so difficult. You could have just told me that." Seokjin muttered under his breath, rubbing his temples as the little just sulked in the other room, still.

Seokjin didn't even know if Namjoon had chicken nuggets or anything, but damn sure was gonna look for them. He opened the freezer and knelt down, groaning in discomfort when his knees hit the floor. The cold air hit him and he hissed, as the freezer's chill escaped. He had moved around certain things, food items and boxes, searching for something that might not even be there. He dug around under the trays until he found it.

A box of chicken nuggets.

He smiled wide, although he didn't realize he had done it. He got up with another groan and leaned on a counter, flipping the box over to read the instructions. 'Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celcius, (A/N: Guys, help me if I'm wrong. This stupid country I'm in uses Farenheit and I don't know the conversions. Help me.) place the chicken nuggets on foil or a pan, cook for twelve minutes, and enjoy!' Easy enough, right?

After about fifteen minutes, the chicken nuggets were completely done. Seokjin gagged a little bit at how processed it was, but shook his head and placed them on a glass plate, until he realized that Point A. Namjoon could definitely break that and Point B. He'd bought Namjoon a cute, plastic dinosaur plate at the mall earlier today, which probably would work better. He then decided to go upstairs to find it, but when he entered the living room, he heard soft complaints from a corner where the single person sofa was. Instead of sitting in it, Namjoon laid next to it, with his stuffed animals circled around him.

Namjoon was lying on the floor babbling to Koya, Turtle, and Ryan about something, and only caught a few words on his way upstairs. Seokjin only heard 'An I no wan eat cus Jinnie ish makes me an not gon makes me do tings! Cus I a big boy! I no hab to wiste-" Namjoon suddenly stopped venting to his stuffed friends and stared at Seokjin as he walked by, hoping that he didn't hear him. The elder walked by as if he hadn't heard him, and walked up the stairs to Namjoon's room, where clothes were still strewn on the floor and bags of little things sat on his bed. Seokjin scanned the bags before finding one and grabbing it, running back downstairs and to the kitchen.

He pulled a dinosaur themed plate out from the bag and laid it on the counter. He dug around to find a spoon and fork pair that matched, but threw that to the side to be cleaned later because he had no use for them right now. Finally, he found the little green sippy cup that matched the whole set. He would have gotten Namjoon something maybe with crabs on it, but all they had was dinosaurs. Well, dinosaurs and Hello Kitty, but Namjoon had made it perfectly clear that he didn't want the second option.

Seokjin washed the plate and cup throughly, just to be safe. Who knows who could have touched it at the store and gotten their germs over it. Seokjin couldn't risk it, he had to be safe and make sure, especially with this pandemic.

"I don't need some idiot contaminating my baby-" He muttered, before pausing. "Yah! Jin! He's not your baby! He's Namjoon, remember that. Not your baby!"

Afte he finished cleaning it, he piled the chicken nuggets on it and sliced a fuji apple, placing them next to the nuggets. He opened the lid to the sippy cup and opened the fridge for what seemed like the millionth time in twenty minutes, on a mission for something for the little to drink. However, while looking for something for Namjoon to drink, he was hit with cans and cans of beers, which Seokjin somehow didn't notice at first.

"Jesus, Namjoon. How much beer do you need, man?" Seokjin mumbled exasperatedly, finding the one jug of juice amongst . It was mango and carrot. Seokjin sort of rolled his eyes.

Yeah, he would drink something real weird, like mango carrot juice.

He carefully poured the juice into the sippy cup and screwed on the lid. Seokjin grabbed the cup and plate and made his way into the living room, making sure they didn't drop on the white carpet.

Seokjin put on his sweetest caregiver voice and leaned down. "Joonie? You have to eat something. You can't just eat ice cream, and it's almost bedtime because you can't just stay awake all night, and..."

"Ish no hungy." Namjoon pouted, clearly lying. His eyes became big and his puils dilated upon seeing the chicken nuggets. "Go way, Jinnie."

"Joonie, you just said you wanted the chicken nuggets..." Seokjin frowned and tried to hand the little his sippy cup, to which Namjoon yelled out and smacked it out of Seokjin's hand.


Seokjin walked in horror as time seemed to slow. The sippy cup lid crashed down onto the floor and Seokjin stared as orange liquid outpoured from it. He really wished he had made sure the lid was fastened. The juice seeped into the carpet as Seokjin lost his hold on the plate, which went toppling too, scattering apple slices and chicken nuggets across the ground.

"Yah! Namjoon! You ruined your carpet! There's juice everywhere! Be careful!" Seokjin exclaimed, a little bit too loud. Namjoon was taken aback by this and curled his knees into his chest, surprised that his baba is yelling at him like this. He stared daggers at Seokjin who groaned. "Aish... You're not even going to say sorry?!"

Namjoon stuck his tongue out and grabbed the fallen nuggets off the floor. "I is not sowwy. Neber sowwy!"

"I spolied you all today, and you give me hell?" Seokjin rhetorically asked as Namjoon nibbled on a nugget, turning his back to the older one. Seokjin sighed and got up to clean the mess in a daze, surprised and annoyed that the little he took for well-behaved, was acting like a complete and utter brat. Why was he acting like this?

He's gonna walk all over me, is he?

A/N: WOOOOO! Welcome to 2021, everyone! I'm finally off hiatus, bringing you new chapters of Moonchild! Sorry if this chapter is bad, I'm trying to update! <3 Don't be a silent reader! Vote if you like the chapters, my lovely soundwaves! - Max

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