40. Boy Meets Moon

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"Babababa! Ababa bababa!" Namjoon smiled widely and babbled, Seokjin smiling fondly.

"Really? Wow, good for you Joonie!" Seokjin responded, as if Namjoon was saying actual words and not baby gibberish. Seokjin hadn't actually had to deal with Namjoon in babyspace yet, so deep he couldn't speak. It was strange waking up to unintelligible cries and babbles behind a pacifier, but he managed and figured out he'd regressed farther than ever. He truly wondered what it was, especially after Halloween night. It couldn't have been stress, could it?

"Ba?" Namjoon looked up and made grabby hands at the bowl of candy on the dresser and Seokjin tutted at him.

"Ah! Infants can't have candies, Joonie! Silly baby can't even chew it!" Seokjin teased. He knew fully well that technically Namjoon could chew the candy, but in this mindset, Seokjin was very cautious. Namjoon pouted, but shook his rattle bracelet and laughed when Seokjin tickled him.

"Hey, hyung." A voice was heard at the doorway. Seokjin stopped tickling Namjoon and pulled the younger into his lap, bouncing him on his knee while the little distracted himself with his rattle bracelet.

Hoseok stood, not looking either of them in the eye, with his bright red bag with "HOPE" embroidered on it. His face was nearly as red as the bag, and he dug his foot into the floor.

"Hope-ah! Hi!" Seokjin smiled and Hoseok stayed silent. Namjoon looked up and recognized Hoseok, his face contorting to what looked like disappointment, and then returning to a happy grin.

"Hello, hyung. And, uh... hi Joon-ah." He averted his gaze still. "I know I was kind of an asshole to you back a few weeks ago. And everyone found out anyway, so I'm sorry for threatening you. And... I shouldn't have called your headspace stupid. I was just so caught off guard-"

"Hoseok-ah" Seokjin smiled and shook his head. "He's not even old enough to know his name, today. I don't think he understood a word you said."

"Oh." Hoseok managed a lopsided grin and sat next to the pair on the floor, awkward and feeling out of place. "Well... I just thought I could make it up to Namjoon by playing with him and being nicer. The secret is out anyways."

Seokjin smiled, his cheeks solidifying into what resembled bread loafs. "That's sweet of you Hoseok-ah."

Namjoon babbled more and tugged at Seokjin's hair, whining to get his attention. Seokjin chuckled and began to play a game with Namjoon where he'd count the objects around him in a silly, high-pitched cartoon voice. Of course, Namjoon's headspace was so young that he could barely understand what was being said, but he giggled anyways. Seokjin soon after dangled a gray stuffed koala bear above Namjoon, who made little chirping noises and rocked back and forth.

Hoseok watched diligently, trying so hard to resist slipping. He would feel selfish if he did, and Namjoon probably wouldn't like him very much.

But the toy looked so fluffy! And Namjoon would want another playmate, right? Plus, Seokjin is a caregiver... so nothing can go wrong...

He felt himself slipping and shook his head to try and snap himself out of it. Seokjin noticed and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hoseok-ah, are you feeling okay?" He asked, as Hoseok nodded reluctantly. He opened his mouth to speak and that was his first mistake.

"'M fine, hyung." He replied, voice slurred and high pitched. Seokjin raised an eyebrow knowingly before smiling and ruffling his dongsaeng's hair.

"Aww, of course you are, Hoseokie. You're feeling just fine, you're just feeling little, aren't you?" He smirked mischievously, knowing exactly what he was doing.

"Hyungie! Stop!" Hoseok frowned, his voice becoming high pitched and increasingly whiny. Seokjin smiled as Hoseok tried to get up to get himself a glass of water, surprising himself when he fell after his legs felt more wobbly than usual.

"Hoseok, would you like water, baby?" He asked. "Or milk? Warm angel milk for an angellic dongsaeng?"

Hoseok nodded, not even realizing he'd slipped. Seokjin got up and made angel milk in one of Namjoon's spare sippy cups.

Hoseok was looking at the cartoons that Seokjin had turned on for Namjoon before he'd gotten up, but his gaze was off. He looked dazed, upset even. The caregiver looked at the little, worried, before thinking about what it could have been.

"Do you want your daddy, Hobi?" Seokjin asked, gently handing him the sippy cup. "I can call, Yoongi-ah." Hoseok thought for a moment before shaking his head and began sipping his milk, and the caregiver was very surprised. He could have sworn that was it. A little with separation anxiety would have made sense. 

He grinned again and his eyes drifted back to the TV screen with the cartoons. "You're a brave boy, Hobi. What a brave boy, being little without his daddy!"

Hoseok's hand began to drift to his mouth, suckling on his pinky, when he felt a hand lowering his own.

"Ah! Hobi, that's yucky. Here, let me go get an unused pacifier. How does that sound, little man?"

It was all over when Seokjin fetched the pacifier.

Hoseok's mind became fuzzier and fuzzier, so fuzzy that he could barely move on his own or speak. He felt himself slipping even farther, trying to speak but only babbling out incomprehensible sounds.

"Come on, Joonie! Tummy time!" Seokjin grunted as he picked up the little and dragged him to a mat he'd laid down, blue and cushioned. Hoseok cocked an eyebrow and made a little chirp of confusion, as Namjoon rolled back and forth on his stomach, giggling. He tried to turn on his back and put his foot and his mouth, and Seokjin had to gently pull it away.

Hoseok's eyes watered as he pointed and pouted towards the mat. He wanted tummy time, too! Seokjin's face lit up as he picked up Hoseok hesitantly and placed him gently next to the other little, before leaving to fetch a blanket from the closet.

Namjoon smiled and babbled, grabbing his koala plushie that he wasn't playing with and crawled on his stomach towards Hoseok, who at first was startled. He held out the stuffed toy and made happy noises, nudging it closer to Hoseok, who was frozen.

He was confused; why would Namjoon be offering a toy? After being so mean to him?

Hoseok nervously reached for the plushie that Namjoon was handing him, surprised when Namjoon didn't retract it as a mean joke. No, he was genuine and wanted his new brother to play.

His expression became softer as Seokjin entered the room. The littles were babbling happy to each other, which was a good sign. In that moment of leaving the room, the two seemed to have mended their issues. Seokjin watched as the two played on the mat, Hoseok was hesitant at first. He didn't know what it was; maybe separation anxiety or perhaps shyness. But he seemed okay now.

Namjoon tugged on the other baby and smiled, his dimples visible. Hoseok looked startled at first, before returning a grin and babbling to Namjoon and rolling on his back giggling. Namjoon babbled nonsense back, as if he knew what he said, and lightly patted Hoseok's head.

Seokjin smiled at the pair, who had finally begun to get along again. Maybe, things would go back to their new normal, and maybe Hoseok would finally open up enough to join their little family.

A/N: We've had enough angst and enough feelings, so I decided to write Namseok babyspace because I'm so soft for it 🥺

I'm happy to update again after a week or two of a break. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you all so much for 30k reads! I'm so incredibly grateful and thankful to you all and can't wait to bring you more chapters of Moonchild. Thank you for the support!
Remember to vote and comment, as that boosts the story stats and my own self-esteem, both of which brings more and frequent chapters! <3

As usual, I want everyone to have a wonderful day/night and I'll see you in the next one!

- Max 💜

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