7. A Happy, Little Day

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"Baba! Where we go?" Namjoon asked Seokjin, who looked around frantically, praying that no paparazzi or sasaengs could see them

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"Baba! Where we go?" Namjoon asked Seokjin, who looked around frantically, praying that no paparazzi or sasaengs could see them. Same went with the staff. If they saw Namjoon in all this, being carried by him, the internet would have a field day. 

He dashed to the car and led Namjoon into the backseat, where he babbled and clapped while Seokjin buckled him in. 

After taking care of the younger, Seokjin walked around to the front driver's seat.

"Here, put on your mask." Seokjin handed Namjoon a plain black mask that would cover most of his face. Namjoon shook his head.

"Wan da Koya one!" Namjoon pouted without taking his pacifier out of his mouth, pointing to the expensive car's console. On top of it laid a baby blue face mask that bore Namjoon's little koala character, sleeping peacefully. Seokjin frowned. Maybe he was overthinking this whole thing, but a part of him thought it to be slightly suspicious that he would wear a BT21 mask. It was already a daring move to take him out in public, but he hoped that with Namjoon's different clothes and changed demeanor, not to mention wearing a mask, that people might not recognize him so easily. He pleaded to whatever divine force was out there that things ran smooth.

"Joonie, I have to keep the secret, remember? And if you wear this mask, nobody is gonna see you, okay?" That wasn't nessecarily true, but he had to convince the little any way he could.

Namjoon nodded and cooed excitedly. "No one see Joonie! Invibable!!" He babbled, thinking that Seokjin meant he'd be invisible.

Seokjin frowned. "Yeah, sure. Invisible." He didn't want to lie to him, but had to get him to agree. Namjoon cooed happily as Seokjin buckled himself in and turned the keys into the ignition, the engine revving up.

Namjoon made a cute "Vroom! Vroom!" noise and Seokjin smiled fondly at him as he drove off, through the gated neightborhood of the huge houses of other celebrities, idols and actors alike. Thankfully here, they wouldn't be bothered much. Seokjin drove off, to a less populated area in the Seoul area, a smaller and less congested mall somewhere near Ichon-dong.

——— 🖤 ———

"Come on, baby! We're here!" Seokjin smiled and walked around the car to open the door for his little, holding his hand and walking him out of the car. "Come on, we've got a lot to do." Namjoon skipped happily next to his baba, holding Seokjin's hand. He was excited to go out in littlespace. He'd never done such a thing before! Plus, he was invisible. That made him extra safe, right?

Seokjin put his own cap on along with his mask and helped Namjoon with his. Seokjin looked as if he could pass as anyone, with his normal looking and plain white t-shirt and loose jeans. Nothing too expensive, nothing out of the ordinary.

Seokjin himself was both shaking in fear and excitement. He felt excited and happy to take care of Namjoon, but anxious about any eagle-eyed ARMY who may catch a glimse and realize who they've seen. Although, with the mask, the baby clothes, the different and higher pitched tone of voice, Seokjin could nearly bet that Namjoon wouldn't be recognized.

The automatic sliding doors of the mall entrance opened and Seokjin could smell the all too familiar scent of food from far away, clean department store air, and humans with very many scents as they dashed by him. Namjoon gripped Seokjin's hand tighter, a little overwhelmed by how many people were here. It was a Sunday, but still people swarmed the mall.

"Joonie?" Seokjin whispered, looking at the little, who figeted and tugged on his arm. "Tell me when you want to go home, and we can go home, okay? If it's too much we can go home."

Namjoon nodded affirmatively. "Otay!" He whispered, trying not to gain too much of the attention of anyone around him. The two began to walk, a bright, purple themed shop catching Namjoon's eyes, to which he tugged the older into.

After looking around for a few minutes and "ooooh"-ing at everything he saw, Namjoon found an adorable yellow skirt that could fit him and begged Seokjin to buy it. The older smiled and brought it to the register, along with a pair of butterfly earrings for his little. He had found a cute yellow bottle to match, that didn't look too baby-ish. The purchase definitely made them catch a few sideways looks from some nearby customers, especially when Namjoon was bouncing up and down excitedly upon seeing Seokjin buy what he wanted. Seokjin had decided to pay with cash to avoid showing his identity to any old, unsuspecting person or cashier.

"That'll be 200,00 won, sir." The smilely cashier stated, ringing up the items. Seokjin pulled out a wad of won bills as the lady looked over at Namjoon. "Aww! Is all this for him?" She asked.

"Baba! Tells her I is invibable!" Namjoon giggled quietly, slinking away into his hands, which covered his face.

"He's invisble." Seokjin whispered, an air of exasperation in his voice. His eyes pleaded with the cashier to play along with it, to which she awkwardly obliged.

"Uh... okay? I don't... see anyone" The cashier said, uneasily. She simply played along, confused. "Uh... have a nice day sir. And... invisible boy...?" She handed Seokjin his change and the two left the store, leaving a bewildered cashier behind.

This continued store after store, Namjoon not stifling his littlespace and running around gleefuly, seeing all of the stuffies and baby gear in the various stores. By the end of the day, he had bags of new clothes, blankets, pacifiers, and a new little stuffed dinosaur, to which Namjoon named Turtle. Seokjin had no clue why, but Namjoon was so admant on choosing that name, so he went with it. Most people looked at the two strangely, but neither of them cared.

"Ice cweam..." Namjoon asked hopefully, tugging on Seokjin and looking at the food court. He didn't eyeball the foods and actual meals, but the colorful ice creams on delicious waffle cones on the signs in front of the shop. He was practically drooling at this point, begging Seokjin. "Jinnie! Pwease?"

Because Namjoon had been so well mannered and good today, Seokjin thought he should treat his little. He willingly walked to the stand, making Namjoon hyperactive and excited. Seokjin jokingly convinced the little that the only flavor left was mint chocolate chip, which he hated.

Namjoon paled a sickly color for a moment. "No..." he replied softly, devastated and tricked by Seokjin, who giggled to himself.

"I'm afraid so... poor baby. No more chocolate ice cream!" Seokjin remarked with fake remorse, making Namjoon's eyes water and tear up. Seokjin's own eyes widened, knowing that a tantrum was coming, so he had to reveal the flavors to Namjoon, who smiled upon seeing the others. Truth be told, he was relieved.

"No funny, baba!" Namjoon hissed, pouting and balling his little fists. Seokjin giggled, ordering two little chocolate ice cream cones and handing Namjoon his.

"Be careful, Joonie. Don't ruin your cute little outfit!" Seokjin warned, handing him the ice cream. Namjoon snatched it away happily. It may have been better if Namjoon had eaten actual food that day, but he just wanted to reward him.  Today was a special case, after all. "Let's wait until we leave here to eat these. It's safer that way." He pointed to his own mask and Namjoon nodded, holding Seokjin's hand again.

"Are you tired, little one?" Seokjin asked, hearing Namjoon yawn from behind his face mask. Namjoon held onto his hyung tightly, which Seokjin took as a yes. Soon, the two left the mall, hand in hand, heading back home after their happy little day.

A/N: Double update??? Wow! I'm feeling creative and motivated today! >:D Did you like the chapter? Our sweet baby Joonie had a nice day out with his baba, Jin! UwU it makes me soft! I did a shitty update because of how soft I am! Wow!

Also, it's 4 am. I'm going to bed now. Love ya, soundwaves!

𝕄𝕠𝕠𝕟𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕝𝕕 [little!RM/K.NJ] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now