13. An Agreement About our Moonchild

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"Taehyung-ah! Why were you upstairs? Joonie wanted to play with you

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"Taehyung-ah! Why were you upstairs? Joonie wanted to play with you." Jungkook asked, poking Namjoon, who giggled and tried to grab onto Jungkook's finger. Taehyung shrugged.

"I was a little bit tired. No worries." Taehyung flashed a boxy smile before sitting down at the table with the others.

"Well then, you have no say in what I'm about to say." Seokjin announced. Taehyung cocked an eyebrow in confusion as the oldest nodded triumphantly. "We made the executive decision to temporarily live back here, in the dorms for a while

Taehyung shrugged and purely just didn't care. The others nodded in a mutual agreement and understanding. Jungkook stopped poking Namjoon's cheeks and looked over with a sour face. "I literally just bought a house in Itaewon! I don't wanna be here all the time, I have friends, you know!"

"Right, but think about it. Namjoon would be taken care of, less commutes from place to place." Suga replied. "You can still go and hang out in Itaewon, but it seems practical to stay here."

Jungkook groaned and Namjoon reached over the maknae's tattooed arm to grab the entire bowl of kimchi and try to eat directly out of it.

"Yah! Joonie! Don't eat with your hands!" Seokjin scowled, smacking the little's hand ever so lightly. Namjoon stopped and leaned backwards into Jungkook, who was still a little annoyed.

"Oops. Sowwy Jinnie." Namjoon apologized. Seokjin nodded contently.

"Plus, it's smart because we have an album we need to work on. And that way, we can work more efficiently. Plus... I get to room with Jimin..." Hoseok continued, wiggling his eyebrows at Jimin, who scowled in discomfort. "Anyways, Taehyung, what was that song you mentioned earlier?" Hoseok asked, back on topic.

Taehyung shrugged, poking at his food. "Oh. It's nothing. Just a sad song, you know me..." He tried to joke, but Jimin just looked across the table, concerned. 

"Always so quiet and sad, where's my happy little Taehyungie?" Jimin asked softly. Taehyung flinched, not letting the soft voice make him slip. It's not that Jimin knew or anything, Jimin's just a soft and caring person. A natural caregiver, if you asked Taehyung.

"Jimin, stop it." Taehyung flatly replied, turning to Seokjin. "So... how long are we staying here? When does it start?"

"Well, until the album release, I guess. We can all move back in here as soon as possible. And remember, as much as we love our little Namjoonie, this isn't solely about him. This is about the production of our album." Seokjin reminded them. Namjoon's head perked up when he heard his name, but looked back down to play with the frilly edges of his yellow skirt.

"That sounds nice. As long as I'm in my studio, nobody bothers me. Not even the little one." Yoongi added belatedly, folding his arms. The others nodded, Namjoon not knowing why but following the nods as well.

"So, within the next few days? Perfect." Jimin nodded in assurance. "And bring any song lyrics you've been working on! Or ideas! Or concepts! Oooh! What if we convince BigHit to let us make this album COMPLETELY by ourselves?! That's be fun! Any idea is a good idea!"

"Yeah! Maybe I can direct the music videos! Oh man, that'd be awesome!" Jungkook bounced a little bit in his seat as he imagined himself where the director would be, behind the camera, making sure everything went off without a hitch.

Yoongi nodded in agreement, hesitating to agree so easily with Jimin. But he had to admit, that sounded nice.

"Ooooh! Wait, I made this while Jungkook and Jimin were playing with Namjoon! Uh, I mean, Joonie!" 

Hoseok got up from his seat, only to grab a rubber band necklace from his pocket and crouched down to speak to Namjoon, who was sitting in his chair. He looked at Hoseok with wonder in his eyes and Hoseok flashed him a heart-shaped grin, holding out the necklace and trying to stop Namjoon from immediately grabbing it.

"Hoseok! That could strangle him, are you crazy?!" Seokjin hissed as Hoseok placed the necklace gently around his neck.

"Hyung, he's fine. It's loose, see?" He asked Seokjin. "Now, open up Namjoonie!" He smiled. Namjoon opened his mouth and his pacifier teetered on the edge of it, letting Hoseok pluck it right from his lips. Namjoon was confused at first, about to raise hell because of the loss of his pacifier, until he saw Hoseok quickly hook the necklace onto it and pop it back into the little's mouth like nothing happened.

"Ta-da! I thought of it so that if it falls, it doesn't get dirty. Instead, it'll stay where he can reach it and not on the floor!" Hoseok beamed proudly, going back and sitting in his chair again. "Brilliant, right?"

"Huh. That's pretty smart, hyung!" Jungkook praised, smiling like a bunny again. Seokjin nodded again.

"Then, let's get going. I'll pack up Namjoon, I'm sure that if he isn't big by tomorrow, then he'll need help. Plus, I've gotta drive my little baby back home, don't I?" He cooed, poking Namjoon, who giggled.

Jimin frowned. "Uh, hyung? He's everyone's baby, you know." He reminded, earning an annoyed tongue click from Seokjin.

"But he calls me baba, which means I'm special." Seokjin shot back. Jimin leaned back in his chair and let out a dramatic sigh. 

"Yeah! Baba!" Namjoon pointed at Seokjin and smiled, popping his dimples.

"I wanna be a little's 'baba'." Jimin murmured. Taehyung smirked and poked at his food, lost in thought, laughing internally about the ironic situation.

"Yeah... I wan dat too, Jiminie..." Taehyung whispered in a cute, high pitched voice under his breath, where no one could hear it. Nobody could ever hear it, but Kim Taehyung was jealous.

He was jealous of Namjoon's newfound attention.

A/N: Another update, baby! Oh yeah!
I'm really sorry if my writing hasn't been it's best. I'm going through a tough time right now and I'm actually trying to move out of my toxic household prematurely, which is very stressful at the age of 16. But, I'm trying my hardest to give you all the best chapters I can, even if my mental state has not been so good! (I'm actually currently sobbing and crying as we speak because everything in my life is turning to shit and I have to deal with an abusive household until further notice. Oh well. At least I have Wattpad... until they delete my only safe space!) Anyways, enough about me! There's 700 reads from you guys, which means you actually like my story! And that makes my day, no matter how bad I feel. I really just wanna make you all smile! - Max

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