36. Suspicious

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"So, we're all going to pretend that we don't know?"

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"So, we're all going to pretend that we don't know?"

"Know what?"

"Yoongi's obviously little. We have to give him time to come out on his own, so don't pressure him." Seokjin confidently remarked, sure of himself. It was a few days later after the incident. Seokjin hadn't talked about it until now and Jimin sure as hell wasn't going to bring up shoving his hyung, so he kept his mouth shut. 

The group sat in the living room after dinner, everyone but Yoongi and Hoseok, who went out for dinner in Itaewon.

Jimin's lips were pressed shut, as he nodded but looked none of them in the eye. The others conversed, thinking for a moment before realizing the strange behaviors Yoongi had exhibited.

Only Jimin knew that those behaviors were in response to Hoseok's.  

"What if it's not Yoongi-hyung? Could be Hobi-hyung." Jungkook shrugged. Jimin nearly spit out his drink as he thought fast to smack Jungkook and laugh awkwardly.

"Ha! Good one, Koo. We all know that Hobi's too serious for that. And besides he, uh... doesn't seem fond of little Namjoon-hyung anyways..." Jimin was coming up with bullshit excuses but the others nodded.

"You're right. He always pushes Namjoon away." Jungkook shrugged. Namjoon looked down and didn't say anything, an unnoticed wave of sadness washing over his expression. They were right; Hoseok seemed to hate little Namjoon. At first Hoseok had seemed all for the idea, but overnight it seemed he became annoyed with Namjoon's little behavior. Was it something he did? Was he uncomfortable with Namjoon's little headspace?

They were definitely right; he was always being pushed away by Hoseok while he was in littlespace. All he wanted to do was play with his hyung, but he always seemed to mess up or make Hoseok upset somehow.

What did he do? Was it something he said?

Namjoon regressed to a smaller age and while the others talked and debated. His mind raced as Seokjin convinced the others that Yoongi was also little, but Namjoon didn't care. They were saying a lot of big words that didn't matter to him. He wanted his stuffies suddenly. He wanted his sippy cup and coloring book. He wanted to be little, and so that's exactly what he did.

He walked away, not that anyone noticed. His steps became more like waddles as he went to his room, nearly tripping over his own feet as his mental age plummeted to about 4 years old.

He wanted cuddles. He wanted sleep. He wanted his Baba's attention again, but all he was doing was arguing about silly Yoongi. Namjoon personally didn't think Yoongi was one of them, but honestly he didn't care. It would be nice to have another little friend, but Yoongi wasn't exactly the friendliest. Kind-hearted, sure, but not very approachable.

The room was dark, but that was fine. He left the room dark, climbing onto his bed and pouting, grabbing his stuffed animals and attempting to hold them all in his arms.

"Ryan, Tuwtle, Koya..." he whispered to the stuffed toys, cuddling them close in the dark room. "Chu my onwy fwens. Taetae beens big aww da time an I dun have any widdle fwens." 

He made the stuffies nod their heads as he continued venting, telling them his every worry. He went on for a long time uninterrupted, ranting about everything on his little mind.

"I tink..." his voice was low and barely audible as he blushed and took a deep breath. "I tink I wike Jinnie. Da way dat Yoonie wike-wike Hobi..." his voice trailed off as he swallowed the lump in his throat. "I tink..."

A high pitched whine rang through the room, interrupting Namjoon and he froze. He looked around, but it was dark. He hid himself in the sheets, hiding from whatever scary monsters wanted to eat him.

The whining continued as Namjoon shook, silently wanting the noise to go away. The noise continued but as he listened, he realized that the noise wasn't inhuman. In fact, the whine was raspy and high pitched, and the little cracks made it to human. Namjoon peeked from his blanket fort and scanned the room, taking his cell phone and fumbling with the flashlight.


He was only answered with more whining and no words: he turned around, frustrated to do another scan of the room, but in the corner was a figure, lying still on a comfy pile of pillows and blankets, staring at him.

Hoseok wasn't speaking, but he held a stuffed kitty in his arms and silently stared at Namjoon with doe eyes. He was chewing on the sleeve of his shirt and looked blankly forwards. He babbled nonsense and it clicked for Namjoon:

Hoseok was a little, and he was even younger than Namjoon was.

Namjoon gasped and the little stars in his eyes grew wider. 

"Hobi ish Joonie widdle bwofer?" He asked himself, confused as he stared at the little before him, who was equally as caught off guard. "Silly Hobi! Chu in Joonie's room, not Hobi's!" He playfully scolded the other little, who seemed to wander in here by himself.

Hoseok was going to cry, still only sniffling and whining, but Namjoon dove down and sat in front of the other little. He smushed his face and looked into Hoseok's eyes as the baby calmed down.

Namjoon softly pulled Hoseok closer to him, cradling the other. He pouted in thought, confused at the situation.

So, Hobi's a little too?

That's fine. I'll just take care of him. He's my little brother today.

Namjoon smiled proudly, rocking Hoseok back and forth. The room stayed dark, but Namjoon stared forwards as Hoseok whined softly, unable to go to sleep but staying quiet.

He was going to be the best damn big brother out there, even if it meant keeping a secret from Seokjin. He did it once, he can do it again.

A/N: School started and I am on the precipice of slipping into littlespace. It's been nearly a week without slipping and it's 1 am, so the perfect time to do so.

I love you all so much! *cries* We're at 23k as we speak and I am so happy people care about what I have to write! 💜

I wanted to update before I slip because I definitely feel it coming. It's only a matter of time. But I wanted to remind y'all to drink water, take your meds, and keep being a good, sweet, little potato.

Y'all, don't forget to vote on the chapters. It really helps me find the motivation to write!

If anyone wants to ask me any questions about anything, feel free to ask me anything here! Or, DM me if it's a personal thing. I'm always open and always free to answer or listen.

I love you all incredibly much! See you in the next chapter!


𝕄𝕠𝕠𝕟𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕝𝕕 [little!RM/K.NJ] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now