Hey guys! So I owe you all a very big apology! These past few weeks have been incredibly busy for me and I just didn't have much time to sit down and write! I had some family things, tons of school work to the point where I was working until 9 or 10PM every night of a week, Mid-Term assessments in school, my birthday, my mom's birthday, my friend's birthday, and even some writer's block; and of course I would run out of pre-written chapters when I need them most so I'm very sorry for not posting. I hope you guys understand.
And yet, even while I'm gone, you guys continue to read, to vote, to comment, to follow me, and add my story to your reading lists. It was such a wonderful surprise to come back to WattPad and see over 8,000 reads and over 300 votes! You guys are so wonderful! I'll do my best to keep up with weekly chapters again, but as mentioned above, I'm out of pre-written chapters and I am getting a bit of writer's block. But I'll do my best for you guys! Again, thank you so much! You're all wonderful people!
Keep reading Peeps!
-The Phoenix Angel
Dipper and Mabel were still standing flush against the wall, surrounded by a crazy time traveler that apparently now had the majority of Bill's magic, and the Dream Demon himself (looking somewhat back to normal compared to his previous state) with anger emanating from his entire being. Both siblings knew this was going to be a disaster of epic proportions if something wasn't done soon. Anger and revenge were two qualities, that when mixed, almost always resulted in something terrible. And the twins were standing right in the middle of an overflowing feeling of both those emotions.
"Mabel..." Dipper whispered. "I have an idea."
"Yeah what is it?" Mabel replied, her voice shaking, revealing that she was indeed afraid.
"That medallion..." Dipper breathed. "If it has the rest of Bill's power..."
"...then getting it back to Bill should fix this." Mabel finished.
"Yes. But how to get it..."
"Leave that to me bro-bro."
"Wait! What are you-"
Dipper was cut off abruptly as his sister raced away from her spot in the corner and shot her grappling hook across the room. The rope swished from side to side until it struck something, and the hook held. The rope tightened and Mabel braced herself. She clicked a button and the rope yanked her forward. As she flew across the room, she used her momentum to slam a foot into Blendin, who had been so focused on Bill, he hadn't even seen what she was doing. However, Mabel's kick didn't succeed in getting the twins any closer to retrieving the medallion.
The time traveler hunched over from the kick, making a small groan of pain. Bill took the well provided opportunity. He gathered as much power as possible and used it to allow himself to grow about five times his normal size. The demon shot a red laser from his eye at Blendin. However, the bald man managed to quickly recover and had also used his new magic to grow in size like Bill. In doing this, the laser hit the (also larger) Cipher Medallion. A hissing sound filled the air when it was struck and the laser began to bounce around the room after being reflected.
Screams of panic arose as both Mabel and Dipper tried to find somewhere safe that wouldn't allow them to get hit with the laser as well as those of a few cyber-soldiers. Apparently they knew Bill's powers were far from ordinary.
Eventually the laser shot out the doorway and began to bounce between the walls of the corridor Dipper and Mabel had come from. More shouts erupted as the laser continued on its path of terror.
Blazing, red fire leapt up around Bill's hands and he began to shoot fireballs at Blendin. The man countered them with his own fireballs. The two appeared evenly matched, but Dipper knew Blendin would eventually get the upper hand considering he had more of Bill's power than Bill himself. But Bill was a Dream Demon; a master of the mind! Could he even be beaten? Truly beaten? Dipper didn't want to find out.
As much of an enemy as Bill was, at the moment, they were allies. If they didn't work together for this, both the Dream Demon and the Pines Twins would be no more.
But they couldn't just flee from a fight like this, even though they were clearly outmatched. Blendin had power and an army. Bill had very little power, and Dipper and Mabel were just two human kids. But if this wasn't dealt with, it would only return to haunt them again and again. Dipper knew Blendin was persistent; the fact that he had waited this long for his revenge was enough evidence to tell him so.
But that wasn't important at the moment. Dipper had to focus on the here and now. He needed a way in which he could level the playing field for Bill; give the demon a fighting chance while he didn't have much magic.
But how?
Dipper was snapped out of his thoughts, his head jerked in the direction of his sister's voice.
"LOOK OUT!" Mabel yelled.
One of the fireballs had gone awry and was coming straight for him. The male Pines twin gasped and hit the floor just in time. The only evidence that he had almost been hit by the fireball was the slightly singed, top of his hat.
Dipper jumped back up and he made a dash for Mabel. The two of them hid behind one of the counters in the room. Something exploded in a shower of glass nearby and Mabel shrieked, scooting closer to her brother.
"Mabel we need to level the playing field!" Dipper exclaimed.
"I know! But how? It's not like we can just bend reality and give Bill an advantage or his powers back or something like that!" Mabel said, her voice shaking slightly. "And getting the medallion back isn't going to be easy either!"
"But what if we could! What if there was a place we could go to where we could bend reality!" Dipper said excitedly.
Mabel sat there looking at her twin for a moment before it clicked and her eyes lit up and a small smile began to grow on her lips.
"A place like the Mindscape!"

Gravity Falls Fanfiction: Dipper and the Cipher Medallion
FanfictionGravity Falls is a town full of mystery and conspiracies. Twins Dipper and Mabel Pines know all about the strange things that occur. One day, while out in the forest, Dipper stumbles across a secret cavern, with something even more secret inside; a...