Dipper studied possible hiding places on a map in the Journal. Mabel was skipping ahead, picking flowers and weaving them into a necklace. She put the flowers around her neck and made a matching braclet. Mabel then snuck behind Dipper and put a flower necklace so it sat neatly on Dipper's hat. Dipper was so absorbed in the Journal that he didn't even notice.
"So where to next?" Mabel asked, falling into step besides her brother.
"There's a few places up ahead near this waterfall." Dipper said, pointing to a clearing that was coming into view.
A crystal clear waterfall cascaded into a pool in the clearing. The twins headed over to it.
"Alright; I'll check behind the water fall. Mabel, you look around that big tree over there." Dipper said.
"You got it bro-bro!" Mabel said, skipping to the tree.
Dipper went in the opposite direction and walked up to the water fall. Putting the journal safetly in his vest, Dipper stepped through the cold water and into a small cavern. Without the Journal, Dipper never would've found it. The entrance was very well hidden behind some boulders.
Ducking inside, Dipper found himself in a rocky tunnel, covered in pyramid-like symbols. They seemed to have been etched into the wall with something, and many of the pyramids had eyes in the center towards the top.
Dipper began to get a strange feeling; the symbols were eerily similar to what Bill looked like. But his curiosity pushed him forward. As the tunnel continued, the symbols got bigger and there were more and more of them.
Soon the tunnel opened up into a decent sized cavern. The walls seemed to sparkle slightly where minerals, like quartz, hid within the rock. In the center of the cavern was a triangle shaped pillar that rose almost to Dipper's full hight. Atop it sat a golden, Cipher Medallion on a black string.
Dipper walked up to it and picked the medallion up. He had a bad feeling about it, yet he couldn't seem to leave it behind. With a final decision, Dipper pulled the medallion over his head and hid it under his shirt. With the creepy feeling finally taking hold, Dipper ran out of the cave as fast as possible and back through the water fall. Mabel was waiting in the clearing.
"Find anything?" She asked.
"Me neither." Mabel said. "I'm sorry we didn't find it Dipper."
"It's alright Mabel. That just means the Mystery Twins get to spend another day adventuring."
Mabel smiled.
"Haha; yeah..." She agreed. "I guess we should head back though. It's getting dark."
Dipper nodded in agreement and the twins began their trek home. Dipper decided telling Mabel about the medallion could, and would, wait.
When they arrived back at the Mystery Shack, Dipper and Mabel found Wendy waiting outside.
"Hey Dipper! Can I talk to you?" She asked.
Mabel gave Dipper an encouraging shove and Dipper walked over hesitantly. Yes Dipper stil had a little crush on Wendy, even after admitting his feelings to her. She was cool with it and didn't tease him. Dipper was grateful for that.
"Hey man! Want to go somewhere with me?" Wendy asked.
"That ruins the fun dude!" Wendy said with a laugh. "Well you want to come or not?"
"Is it just the two of us?" Dipper asked.
"Just the two of us. Don't freak out." Wendy said seriously, but a smile soon reappeared.
Dipper laughed.
"Alright." He said, his cheeks reddening the slightest bit.
"Awesome! C'mon man!" Wendy said, grabbing Dipper's arm and pulling him after her.
Dipper looked back to see Mabel smile and give him a thumbs up. Dipper waved good bye to her, and followed Wendy to wherever their destination was.

Gravity Falls Fanfiction: Dipper and the Cipher Medallion
FanfictionGravity Falls is a town full of mystery and conspiracies. Twins Dipper and Mabel Pines know all about the strange things that occur. One day, while out in the forest, Dipper stumbles across a secret cavern, with something even more secret inside; a...