Dipper kept tossing and turning in his sleep. Dreams filled with Bill and being possessed jumped around in his head. After waking up for about the fifth time that night in a cold sweat, Dipper climbed out of bed and pulled on a jacket, careful not to wake Mabel.
Dipper ended up on the roof. The cold, bitter wind nipped his ears and he pulled the jacket tighter around himself. It had all started here: Bill had appeared to him here on the roof at night.
Dipper leaned back against the shingled roof of the Mystery Shack, always keeping his eyes open to know if Bill showed up again. But before he knew it, his eyes drooped and shut completely, finally allowing Dipper a peaceful, restless sleep.
The next morning, Mabel awoke to find Dipper gone from his bed. She walked downstairs, where she found Stan making breakfast.
"Good morning Grunkle Stan." She said.
"Hey kid! Want some Stan-cakes? I did a better job of making them more like pancakes and keeping my hair out of them!" Stan said with a goofy grin.
Mabel laughed and took two, covering them in syrup.
"Grunkle Stan have you seen Dipper?" She asked, cutting a piece of Stan-cake and chewing it.
They did taste good, and Mabel was relieved to find that there really was no hair. Not realizing how hungry she was, Mabel easily downed both Stan-cakes and took two more again.
"Not since last night." Stan replied, sitting besides Mabel at the table.
Mabel quickly lost her appetite and jumped up from the table. She ran back upstairs to the attic. Nothing had changed since she'd been up there last.
"Mabel?" A voice said.
Mabel whirled around to see her brother standing in the doorway, a sleepy look still lingered on his face.
"Oh Dipper! Thank goodness!" Mabel exclaimed. "Where were you?"
"On the roof." He replied. "I couldn't sleep last night and the fresh air helped." Dipper said, pulling off his jacket.
Dipper walked over to his bed and hung the jacket over the bed post. He picked up his journal, then walked downstairs for breakfast. A slightly bewildered Mabel followed suit.
The twins sat at the kitchen table and Dipper began to eat breakfast. Mabel looked down at her now cold Stan-cakes and decided against finishing them.
"So Dipper I want to make things up to you." Mabel began.
Dipper said nothing but he tilted his head to the side slightly in confusion.
"I'm going to help you crack the password on the laptop, no matter how long it takes. And I promise absolutely nothing will distract me this time."
Dipper swallowed and looked at Mabel.
"The laptop is destroyed Mabel. Bill got rid of it." He said sadly.
Mabel's face fell.
"Oh... I'm sorry Dipper. Well how about I do anything you want me to do today." She suggested, her face brightening again.
Dipper returned the smile and wiped some syrup off his mouth.
"Well I've been wondering about Journal 1..." He began. "Someone else could have it, or it could be out there just waiting to be discovered. Will you help me look for it?"
"Of course I will bro-bro! The Mystery Twins are back in business!" Mabel said and giggled.
Dipper laughed too. Mabel was glad her brother was starting to go back to his old self again.
After an hour or so, the twins were ready to head out into the woods. Mabel was wearing a blue sweater with a purple flower. A purple head band sat atop her head. Dipper was dressed in his usual blue vest with a t-shirt. His blue pine tree hat rested perfectly on his brown hair.
"Let's find that Journal!" Mabel yelled, and the two of them set off into the woods.

Gravity Falls Fanfiction: Dipper and the Cipher Medallion
FanfictionGravity Falls is a town full of mystery and conspiracies. Twins Dipper and Mabel Pines know all about the strange things that occur. One day, while out in the forest, Dipper stumbles across a secret cavern, with something even more secret inside; a...