Hi guys! I just wanted to say I hope you all had a lovely Valentines Day before I post this chapter. Anyway, I hope you enjoy and keep reading Peeps!
-The Phoenix Angel
Dipper and Mabel laughed in relief as they stepped on to the front porch of the Mystery Shack. After running for hours on end, it felt good to know that rest was right around the corner. The twins pushed the door open and walked inside. Everything was quiet. Stan's chair was empty for once, but the TV was playing the movie, The Duchess Approves, quietly.
Dipper and Mabel crept inside silently. Dipper winced as Mabel kicked the leg of the coffee table, causing a loud banging noise to echo in the room for a moment. Mabel gave her brother a sheepish and apologetic smile, before the two of them stepped forward again.
Just then, Dipper noticed a faint light coming from the gift shop. Grabbing his sister's arm, Dipper began tugging Mabel towards the doorway.
"Dipper!" Mabel hissed. "What are you doing? We could get caught!"
Dipper ignored her and pressed forward. The door to the gift shop was half open, and he slowly pushed it all the way. Stepping into the room, the twins could see that the light was coming from behind the vending machine, which was pulled slightly away from the wall. Grasping the side of it, Dipper began to pull. Mabel joined him and the two of them managed to yank the machine forward. Behind it was a secret staircase. Giving one another mischievous grins, Dipper and Mabel stepped inside.
The Pines twins followed the staircase downwards into a room. Before them was an elevator; an arrow above the elevator indicated that it was currently at the third floor. Mabel pushed the down button and the twins stepped back. The arrow slowly moved to the left and stopped on the number one. The doors popped open and Dipper and Mabel stepped inside. They decided to check out the third level, because that's where the elevator was last. After a short ride downward, the doors opened up on a lab filled with complex machines and gadgets. The twins stepped into the room and gazed around in awe, at least until they noticed who was sitting at a desk along the wall in the middle of the room.
"GRUNKLE STAN!?" Dipper and Mabel chorused in shock.
Their great-uncle had fallen asleep and jumped up like he had just gotten shocked by a jelly fish or something. The old man's eyes widened as he saw his great niece and nephew standing just outside the elevator.
"Kids! What are you doing here?" He asked nervously.
"What are we doing here? Why do YOU have some secret room behind the vending machine!?" Dipper demanded.
"Listen kid it's complicated. I can't tell you right now."
"Hey Dipper! Look at this!" Mabel called.
Mabel had began to wander the room and spotted the door by Stan's desk. She was gazing inside the other room, looking at some sort of portal thing. Dipper rushed over to her and took a look.
"Mabel, this is the symbol that appeared on the ground when Blendin and his soldiers showed up!" Dipper exclaimed.
"Blendin? Soldiers? What's going on in your head Dipper?" Stan asked, walking up behind the twins.
"I don't know. Why don't you tell us Grunkle Stan. You seem to know much more than you've been telling us." Dipper said, crossing his arms over his chest.
Stan hesitated, not meeting Dipper's accusing stare. He didn't want to bring the twins further into this than they already were. But now with them knowing about his hidden lab, that was going to be difficult. Maybe he should just come clean...
"DIPPER! OH MY GOD!" Mabel screeched.
While Stan had been deep in thought with Dipper staring accusingly at him, Mabel had continued to wander the room. She had gone over to Stan's desk and found a familiar looking Journal on it.
"DIPPER IT'S JOURNAL 1! AND 2? And... 3!? Grunkle Stan!?" Mabel said, her excitement slowly becoming skepticism.
"Ok so maybe I copied your entire Journal and gave you back a fake one..." Stan admitted.
"WHAT!?" Both twins exclaimed.
"Wait, what do you even want these for?" Dipper asked, holding up the real Journal 3 which Mabel had handed to him.
Stan sighed. Here goes nothing.
Bill's eye followed the commander curiously as he walked over to a big computer that was against the wall. The man pressed a button on it and it opened up a key pad. The commander quickly typed in a code and a little tray popped open from the end of the computer. What he pulled from it was one of the tiniest vials in existence. Inside it was a glowing, silver liquid.
The commander gently set the vial down on the counter and pulled a walkie talkie from his pocket. He turned away from Bill and whispered something into it. After a few minutes, one of the doors slid open to reveal Blendin Blandin and a few soldiers with their strange little guns.
"Wow, it's really a party now!" Bill called from his little prison.
Everyone ignored him.
"What? Suddenly not talking to me commander? You had plenty to say a little while ago!" The demon taunted.
Still not a word from the group of men that had now gathered around the computer.
Bill rolled his eye in annoyance. It wasn't fun to mess with normal people if they wouldn't even talk to him. Then again, these people weren't "normal." Well, neither was the Pines family, but they were a whole different kind of abnormal. They just kept running into trouble, and trouble kept finding them. It was like a magnet sucked the two to one another until they finally met and something went down.
One of the men (Blendin) finally turned away from the computer screen. The tiny vial was securely gripped in his hand. He walked over to the little box that seemed to be generating the stupid cube of energy Bill was trapped in. The demon, surprising himself, hadn't noticed it before. Blendin uncapped the vial and poured the substance into a little hole in the top of the box. He then took a cap from his pocket and covered the hole with it. Suddenly, the energy rays of the prison began to turn a stunningly white color. It started closest to the box, then gradually made its way around the cube. Bill's eye followed the moving color skeptically.
"And now we wait." Blendin said.
The man had a truly evil smirk plastered on his face. He was unbelievably confident; anyone could've read that from the look on his face. However there was something, though Bill had no idea what, but there was something about the way Blendin stared back at him, that made the demon, for the first time in his life, even if it was just the slightest bit, afraid.

Gravity Falls Fanfiction: Dipper and the Cipher Medallion
FanfictionGravity Falls is a town full of mystery and conspiracies. Twins Dipper and Mabel Pines know all about the strange things that occur. One day, while out in the forest, Dipper stumbles across a secret cavern, with something even more secret inside; a...