After an hour of listing the pros and cons of what they were about to do, Dipper and Mabel decided to take a trip into the forest. They had no ideas, that Mabel hadn't already tried, to find Journal 1. They clearly needed help, and there was only one triangle-shaped demon that they could think of that may have some ideas.
"I can't believe we're about to do this." Dipper said, as the clearing came into view.
"I know, but what other choice do we have Dipper? Besides, it's not like Bill said we couldn't ask for his help." Mabel pointed out.
"True. But who's crazy enough to WANT to look for Bill?"
"Gideon was."
"Good point."
The twins arrived at the clearing and set out the materials they had carried. Mabel created a circle with candles, and Dipper spray painted an eye symbol from the Journal in the grass. A fierce wind whipped up and the twins waited for it to die down before lighting the candles. Mabel lit a match and began lighting the candles one by one. The tiny orange flames jumped to life and flickered.
"Alright Dipper we're good to go." Mabel said, stepping back from the circle.
Dipper stepped into the middle of the circle, right in the center of the pupil of the eye, and opened the Journal. Pulling out a black light from his vest pocket, he shined it on Bill's page. While reading through the Journal again but with black light, Dipper had discovered not just hidden writing and mysteries, but a few new spells too. Originally Bill's summoning spell had only been in Journal 2, but apparently the author had written it in invisible ink in Journal 3. Considering the author had warned to NOT summon Bill, Dipper wasn't sure why he'd write the spell again, but it was a good thing he did.
"Triangulum, entangulum! Veneforis dominus ventium! Veneforis venetisarium!" Dipper chanted.
Dipper's eyes flashed blue for a moment as a surge of energy rippled from the center of the eye and out towards the forest. Mabel shielded her face, and felt the rush of power whip through her hair. Dipper's eyes went back to normal and he shut them quickly and stumbled backward on to one knee. Mabel rushed forward and pulled him up by his arm.
"Did it work?" Dipper asked, rubbing one of his eyes.
"I don't know. When Gideon did it, Bill showed up right away." Mabel told her brother.
The twins glanced at one another and then surveyed the tree line around them. The world hadn't turned black and white and time hadn't stopped. Everything moved and made noise still. No glowing, spacey triangle surrounded by yellow flames had appeared in mid air before them. Everything was normal; completely and utterly normal.
Suddenly the sky darkened and a giant bolt of lightning hit the ground, feet from the circle in which the Pines twins stood. Dipper and Mabel shielded their eyes against the blinding light. As the lightning bolt died, the sky went back to its normal, happy, blue color. Where the bolt had hit the ground, was a patch of charred grass in the shaped of an upside down triangle with a circle in the middle and four smaller circles surrounding it. A group of what looked like soldiers stood smack dab in the middle of the pattern on the ground.
The soldiers stood in neat, even rows. They had what looked like some kind of futuristic black cyborg suits and eye patches on. Each one of them carried some strange type of gun. Suddenly the rows parted neatly in half and a some what short, bald man in a grey space suit stepped forward. The light hit his goggles and a glare bounced off of them, blinding Dipper and Mabel for a second until he took another step forward.
"It's that weird, awkward, bald guy!" Mabel hissed to Dipper. "The one with the magic time traveling tape measurer!"
Mabel was right; before the twins stood Blendin Blandin.
"YOU!" Blendin shouted, pointing at Dipper and Mabel. "YOU CAUSED ALL THOSE TIME ANOMALIES!"
"Uh Dipper..." Mabel whispered.
"Yeah. We should probably..."
"GET THEM!" Blendin ordered, and all the soldiers raised their guns.
"RUN!" Dipper shouted.
The Pines twins took off into the trees, the soldiers following. About half of them activated jet packs and took off into the sky. The commander stayed behind with Blendin.
"What's this? Sir, what do you make of this?" The commander said.
He had walked over to Dipper and Mabel's summoning circle. A few of the candles had been knocked over from the panic moments ago. When Dipper had finished the spell, he had dropped the Journal and hadn't picked it up before he and Mabel had started running. The commander picked it up, looking at Bill's page, which the Journal was still open to. Blendin walked up behind the commander and snatched the book away.
"THIS! This Journal! I told you those kids were trouble! First the time anomalies, and now they're summoning a demon more powerful than this time period could ever imagine!" Blendin exclaimed.
The commander took the Journal back from Blendin. His eyes searched the page, once, then twice, then three times.
"But sir, this shows nothing about summoning him."
"Well who said it had to?" A voice asked.
Both men spun around quickly. Before them, a yellow triangle floated in the air. The demon twirled a cane in his right hand, before tossing it in the air and having it disappear in a shower of sparks.
"Hey there demented space man!" Bill Cipher said in a chipper voice. "Aha I'm just kidding, I remember you Blendin! But that guy is new. I love the new ones, because then they don't have any idea what I'm capable of."
Bill tipped his hat suddenly. Blendin saw it coming, and lunged at a nearby tree, wrapping his arms around it. The commander however, was unprepared and began to fall as the world tipped to the side around him. Bill put his hat back on his head and the world readjusted. Blendin let go of the tree and the commander got back on his feet.
"How are you doing these things? And why is everything suddenly black and white?" The commander demanded, just now noticing that everything had been drained of color.
"Yeah, I don't take orders from humans." Bill said in a bored voice.
Blendin elbowed the commander, gesturing towards his gun. The commander took the hint and raised his gun, aiming at Bill. All this led to was the demon laughing in their faces.
"Ahahahahahaha! You think you can kill me?" Bill scoffed. "I'd LOVE, honestly I'd LOVE, to see you try."
"That's the thing, Mr. Cipher, we aren't trying to kill you." Blenidn said, and then the commander shot his gun.

Gravity Falls Fanfiction: Dipper and the Cipher Medallion
FanfictionGravity Falls is a town full of mystery and conspiracies. Twins Dipper and Mabel Pines know all about the strange things that occur. One day, while out in the forest, Dipper stumbles across a secret cavern, with something even more secret inside; a...