Dipper followed Wendy for a while more and they eventually ended up at an ice cream stand.
"You brought me for ice cream?" Dipper asked.
"Yeah man! I'm not going to get ice cream alone. That's just lame." Wendy said.
The two of them ordered and then sat at a table with their ice cream cones. Dipper thought it was nice being alone with Wendy, but at the same time it was completely nerve racking. What if he did something stupid? Or said something stupid? Or kissed her? Dipper froze. That last one wasn't his thought; that thought had never even occured in his head! So if it wasn't Dipper's thought, whose was it?
"Dipper! You alright? You spaced out!" Wendy said, snapping her fingers in front of Dipper's face.
Dipper shook his head and blinked.
"Yeah I'm fine." He said.
"Alright. Anyway, Mabel said some pretty crazy stuff happened to you yesturday, but she wouldn't tell me what exactly. I just want to make sure you're ok man." Wendy said sincerly.
Dipper looked at Wendy, and Wendy looked right back.
"I'm fine now. I promise." Dipper said.
"Well I'm glad." Wendy said. "Now how about we start heading back to the shack?"
"Anything you want, Red." Dipper said with a smirk.
He quickly slammed a hand over his mouth. That wasn't him talking! What was going on!?
Wendy was looking at Dipper, confused, but she had decided to ignore his comment.
"Well let's get going then." She said.
Wendy stood, and Dipper followed. After another good walk they arrived back at the Mystery Shack.
"I'll see you tomorrow Dipper!" Wendy said, turning to go.
"Thanks for the ice cream Red." Dipper said, before kissing Wendy's cheek.
As soon as Dipper realized what had just happened, his cheeks flushed scarlet.
"Wendy I am so, so, sorry but you have to believe me here: that wasn't me! Something isn't right!" Dipper got out, before running into the shack, completely embarrassed, and leaving a shocked Wendy outside.

Gravity Falls Fanfiction: Dipper and the Cipher Medallion
FanfictionGravity Falls is a town full of mystery and conspiracies. Twins Dipper and Mabel Pines know all about the strange things that occur. One day, while out in the forest, Dipper stumbles across a secret cavern, with something even more secret inside; a...