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Bakugo: Hey Kirishima can you help me with this question-

Kirishima: [photo up above].....yeah sure-

N e ways-


Class 1-A surrounded the pink-haired girl. One student in particular was not having it-

"RESPECT YOUR SENPAIS!! DON'T CROWD HER!" The choppy boy said.

"Iida-Kun calm down! they're just asking questions. It could be considered a good opportunity to learn new things, no?" The pink haired girl asked.

The boy bit his lip before asking questions of his own.


The man simply side-stepped the attempted back-hug tackle. He flipped a page in his book-

"It's flicker!!!" The greenette screamed, his eyes star-strucked as he looked at the pro. "Wait- hold up, what do you mean senpai-?"

Also why does it feel like it isn't our first time meeting....?

"Mou~ why did you avoid me-" the man pouted from behind the mask.


"Shush! Shhhh!" The masked man quickly covered? The masked mouth.

"It's flicker- flicker!" He yelled at the silverette.

Denki stared at the hero for a moment, before something dinged "hey! You're a lot like Shi-"

The hero flickered up to the boy and covered the mouth of the blonde.


Denki blinked once, twice- and his eyes lit up as he figured it out.


The hero nodded his head and denki's eyes sparkled.

How did he understand him...?

Wiping away nonexistent sweat, Shi-Flicker, spoke.

"Anyways, Senpai, are you also here for the job?"

"....job?" The silverette asked.

"Yeah! I thought since you were recruited you would've known about it!"

"...I was recruited for security, is that not it?"

"Nope! you know that since there is now new second years, exhibit A-" The hero pointed at Sakura who already pummeled the grape head into oblivion-

"U.A began to recruit teachers and pros alike for different positions-- I thought you were already a set in stone teacher?"

Kakashi looked blankly at the large school building, before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.




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