Chapter Fifteen

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This picture of Tom literally is Kakashi-

Anyway chile-

on with the story.

Kakashi sat in the middle of President Mic and Eraserhead, he continued to flip through his book of law, completely ignoring the two.

He really wished he had his -porn- Icha-icha book right now.

The reason why was because usually when somebody decides to read over his shoulders and see the very-very detailed story they tend to leave him alone after deducing him as a pervert. Because nobody likes perverts.

But of course today was the day he decided to read something that people really wouldn't expect from him.

Well if you knew him knew him then this isn't really that surprising.

"Law? Kakashi you're studying to be lawyer or something?" The ever hyper blonde said.

The irony-

"No, it just caught my interest, 'tis all."  And he kept to himself afterwards signaling this, albeit short, conversation is over.

But of course the excited blonde didn't get the hint and continue the one-sided convo.

"Oh! I don't know much about law but I watched Brooklyn 99! It's not about lawyers but cops! But cops follow the laws-" and there she blows!

Kakashi covered his ears with a layer of Chakra to drown out the loudness, a very handy trick he learned when Guy was being a little too..... 'youthful'.

But now he wished that he listened a little more to his never ending rambles because He's. Not. Here-

Kakashi flipped the page in his law book.

'It is illegal to trespass into ones home if that person does not have permission from the resident living there or a warrant handed to them from someone of high authority-'

He finally looked up when he felt the vibrations caused by the blonde's loud voice cease.

Kakashi sent a closed eye smile. "Yes Brooklyn 99 is a good show, but I don't really believe it's a very good representation for the actual police force that work hard for the good of our home.

It be nice if they gave more authenticity to actual policemen and policewomen, and show the good and bad. I mean. But since it is a show that was created for entertainment..... I understand why they have to be entertaining."

The blonde stare at him with widened eyes, not really expecting him to be paying attention, he thought he'll be more like Azizwa-

His eyes twinkled thinking that Hatake-San is also a fan of Brooklyn 99.

"Yes! I know what you mean! I was actually kinda disappointed when I went to a police station and it wasn't like that! They were all serious and grumpy- that's not a bad thing though!!-"


The blonde pouted hearing his friend.

Kakashi sent another closed-eye smile.

The bandage hero continued "the festival is about to start, I suggest you pay attention.....I'm going to sleep."

Kakashi couldn't help but feel a little envious as the Pro zipped up his obnoxiously bright yellow sleeping bag.

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