Chapter Sixteen

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Kakashi flipped a page in his book, he was so close to just summoning the book into his hands so President mic would think of him as a pervert and leave him alone-

What? You thought that since it wasn't with him at the moment he had no access to it?

You fool-

But even so he stopped himself from bringing forth the book.

*BOOM* I think you can guess who that was-


Kakashi honestly feels bad for the ash-blondes team.

Reminds me of the bell test, except it's only one person that isn't cooperating-

He watched the many teams attempt to steal the points from the other students.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!" Kakashi rose a brow as he watched a blonde enlarge his hands.

That quirk is similar to the girl with orange hair-

His eyes flickered to said girl as her band also enlarged.

"Copying quirk?" He whispered to himself, his interest at its peak as he watched the boy go.

"You said something Kakashi-San?"

Kakashi looked away from the 'battle' that was going on before him "ne, Mic-san-"

"Call me Hizashi-"

"-Hizashi-San, who is that blonde boy that's laughing like a maniac?"

Hizashi eyes squinted through his glasses as he looked for the pervious mentioned boy.


Kakashi didn't even flinch at the rather....loud voice.

"Slightly, I just think we have.......similar 'quirks' that's all" Kakashi decided to reveal his 'quirk' a bit, considering that it'll be revealed in due time since he is working at a hero school, he decided it's alright to give out a little hit.

They were on mute so the crowd and students couldn't hear them-

"What is your quirk anyways?" Eraserhead narrowed his eyes at the man.

Kakashi thought for a moment, considering that his quirk 'eraser' had an affect on him (mentioned in chapter 3, I believe) means that this man can erase his chakra-

He slightly shuddered at the thought-

Kakashi eye-smiled "my quirk is something that keeps me I'd appreciate it if you don't erase it, Eraserhead. Unless you want me to kill me that is."

Aizawa eyes widened at the- random- revelation "w-what?"

Kakashi continued his closed-eye smile "my quirk is a mutation-based quirk-it doesn't affect my appearance, like that girl Hagakure-San or that boy Shoji-San,however, it altered the inner workings of my body in a way that if my quirk isn't on 24/7.... well it's the equivalent of me dying you see. I could be without my quirk for an hour at most.

So considering your quirk is 'Erasure' have power over my life don't you?" He leaned into his palm.

He pretended that he didn't see the man, well men's flinch, especially the ones that were eavesdropping.

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