33 🧍🏾‍♂️

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Heyyy... if you want to know why I didn't update this story, or any of my stories for a while, read the latest chapter on 'his teal eyes' at the end where I usually write random updates and stuff is where everything is explained.

And if you don't want to go to the trouble of that, other viewers please explain, because I truly don't have the mental capacity to rewrite what I wrote.

Some of you are probably pissed or annoyed on why I didn't just post it here, but I personally don't like updating stories without a proper chapter, something like life updates and discontinues will always (from now on) will be accompanied with at least a new update to read.

So I hope you enjoy.

N e ways-


It was the final moments with Madara, everyone was exhausted, with the constant 'revivals' of the almost century-old man and their gradual depletion of chakra. The shinobi were completely exhausted.

The rising amount of dead bodies littered on the ground began to deplete their confidence as the weeps and screams for the dead filled the war zone.

They were so, so tired, that some didn't even put up a fight....


"OR WHAT?!" his voice cracked- "I'LL DIE?! NARUTO.....LOOK AROUND YOU!! everyone's gone!" The genius yelled out, tears streaming down his face as he attempted to just run out and get himself killed, which the blonde blocked him from.

"You want a plan to win this fucking massacre?! I'll give you one-" he remembered his team...his fiancé.... "Just... give up."

Everyday was becoming like this... shinobi losing their love ones so brutally right before them that they just... give up.

Madara wasn't your average shinobi that can be defeated with simple words of understanding and encouragement, he was a man that let his anger, hatred and power fester over almost a century, waiting patiently to exact his revenge on a clan that has long died out... blaming it on a generation that has forgotten him.

"Shikamaru-... think of Temari!" Naruto tried, trying to keep at least one of his friends from killing themselves right before him...again. "She wouldn't want you like this-"

"I am thinking of her!" Tears began to slip down his cheeks as he remembered his soon-to-be-wife " and the child I could never see!" He fell to his knees as he remembered, what would've been a happy news....

"Naruto please.... At least this way I could meet my child."

The room was silent, truly unable to say anything.

"...get up..." someones voice soft, and yet harsh as he beckoned the Nara off his  knees, "shinobi don't cry..." he held his arm as he pulled him up.

"That stupid- stupid fucking rule—!" Shikamaru yelled out as he harshly shook off the the hand that held him. " why can't I cry?! Why can't any of us cry?!" He yelled.

"Is it because we're...we're shinobi?! We can't even cry for the deceased?!" He spit out "...maybe Madara was right about this abomination of a profession!"


The room was tense as they saw one of the few bubbly characters snap. And the genius on the ground, massaging his left cheek...his glare didn't lessen.

Defying lightning [BHNA X NARUTO CROSSOVER]Where stories live. Discover now