Chapter six

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"Villains don't need permission to take."


The door was once again slammed opened revealing non other than the principal of the school U.A.

With his eerie smile he spoke "hmm~? What's with this atmosphere?"

Replying with a closed-eyed smile "there's nothing wrong."

Although contradicting to what Kakashi said the room was very tense and awkward, well except for Kakashi who looks like he's having the time of his life.

"Must be my imagination." Nezu said.

"But why are you here Nezu-Chan?" Kakashi said pulling out his orange book once again.


"What else but to visit Kashi-chan? Hmm?"


"But aren't you busy with work? Why did you need to come out all the way here to the hospital?" He said, flipping another page in his book.

"..........Kashi-Chan, you know you're in U.A right now, right?."

Stopping mid-turn in his book for a second before continuing "....maybe."

Nezu just continued to smile.

"W-wait, wait a minute!" Denki interfered "how do you!" He pointed at Kakashi "Know Nezu-Sensei! My friggin PRINICIPAL?!" He than pointed at Nezu.

They stayed quiet as Nezu had his all knowing smile, and Kakashi had his closed-eyes smile as they stared at Denki.




"Would you like some tea Kashi-Chan?"

"You have oolong?"



"To answer your question he came to my job often."

Everyone seemed satisfied with answer except for Denki who looked like a constipated raccoon.

"But why would Principal.Nezu go to a gay bar......?"





"So about that oolong."

"No sugar for me."



Author note:

This is just a short chapter, it is relevant to the the story but Idk how to continue it from here. So imma just end it here.

Hoped you enjoyed.

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