Chapter eleven

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Everyone stared at the silverette in horror.

This man that saved them attempted suicide.

He was so strong! To be able to defeat enemies that even their teacher had a hard time defeating! And with a single kick! And yet-and yet he could've not been there at all, dead somewhere and they would've never even knew!

"Y-You t-tried k-killing y-yourself?" The quite, trembling voice of Kaminari spoke.

Everyone looked at Kaminari with various forms of pity.

He must be the most hurt considering that he looked up to him a lot.

It was obvious that Kaminari looked up to Kakashi like how Midoriya looked up to All Might, Kakashi was his idol, his hero!

And yet he doesn't know a single thing!

Denki's fist tightened as he looked down, then came the voice of his caretaker, tired, worn out, and filled with grief.

"Like father like son."

The room froze as they heard the words, heads snapping up to stare at the silverette, eyes widening as they saw the crinkle in his mask, his cheeks slightly raised up as his eyes were squinted.

He was smiling.

And yet why is it so pitiful?

They couldn't say anything, their voices stuck in there throats to the point where it feels like they were choking.


Kakashi looked at his watch eyes slightly widening.

"Look at the time, it seems that my shift is starting."

They couldn't say anything as he turned his back towards them.

He suddenly feels so far away.....

Than he stopped "considering that after the sports festival it's the interships that usually lasts a week, I won't be starting until after than." His hand was on the handle, twisting it open he was about to leave until-

"Ah! Denki! Don't forget to feed the pups." He slightly tilted his head back, making eye contact with the blonde, his closed-eyes smile back, before he closed the door behind him.

So so far away.....

Usually after opening up to people about his past, Kakashi would go and mourn at the cemetery, but

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Usually after opening up to people about his past, Kakashi would go and mourn at the cemetery,'s not here!

And plus he's got other things to worry about.

He told the truth, but it didn't happen here!

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