Chapter two

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Song: yellow- by Yoh Kamiyama


Class 1-A made there way into USJ following their teacher Aizawa .

As Aizawa opened the door to there destination class 1-A couldn't help but be excited for the experience, it hasn't even been a week and yet they were already going to experience their first rescue!

They were full of jitters, nervousness, but most importantly excitement!

Aizawa opened the door and they couldn't help but admire the scenery in front of them.

It had different places filled with natural disasters, a sinking a ship (that was oddly still floating) a burning building, a fallen building, a mountain, and more!

But what made them stop was the hero before them, they all gaped at the pro before them before midorya broke the silence with his excitement  not being able to be contained.

"It's  the pro hero, thirteen!" And the class roared with excitement.

They didn't expect to see the pro rescue hero with her amazing quirk of black hole in a flash!

After getting the class to quited down from their excitement. Thirteen explained the reason for this assignment, and how a quirk can be just as destructive if it were used as a villainous quirk than a heroic quirk.

They couldn't help but be glad that thirteen was on their side.

Before thirteen could explain further a black hole opened up before them.

Kirishima whistled as he saw hordes of people dressed up as villains coming out, UA truly outdone themselves with bringing these actors.

"Whoa, you even brought fake villains!" Sero said.

He was about to walk towards them before Aizawa-sensei put his arm out, stopping him.

His hair flying up as well as his scarf, eyes red indicating that he's using his quirk.

"Those aren't  fakes, those are real villains!"

The temperature seemed to drop at that, students started to panic.

"Thirteen! Protect the children, and try contacting UA and bring some hero's."

Thirteen nodded keeping all the children together and trying to keep them calm.

"W-what about you?" Midorya asked.

Aizawa-sensei, no Eraserhead looked back at the boy "what else? My job." Before he jumped down to the hundreds of villains.

And Midorya couldn't help gasp in shock "Eraserhead can't take that many! His quirk isn't built for that! He'll get hurt!" Making the class very worried about their teacher.

Thirteen interjected "Eraserhead is a very capable hero! Even if his quirk isn't suited for it that's not the only thing he got up his sleeves!" He said as he pointed towards said hero "look!"

The students watched as there teacher took down a fifth of the intruders with not only his quirk, but his astonishing martial arts! And he was still going!

Seeing that calmed their nerves immensely.

Yeah, Aizawa-Sensei will be fine, he's a pro after all!

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