Chapter five

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Song: LEO- by E ve


Kakashi woke up with a jump, his head jumbled with memories of them.

How they would call for him, begging him, to make it stop, to end it, to save them.

He dipped his head onto his lap, letting out deep control breathes, calming his heart to the best of his abilities.

The memory didn't leave, instead it played, over and over like a broken record.

He glanced to heart monitor towards his left,  not even noticing it until now.

The beeping noise almost deafening.

Where was he? A hospital?

He looked down to his right hand following the tube upwards.

I.V drip.

He sighed as he pulled the needle from his hand, swift, practiced movements, not even a drop of blood spilled afterwards.

He also unhooked the heart monitor from his finger, making the machine flatline.

He looked down at his torso, realizing that he was still in his original clothes, he tapped his face, sighing in relief knowing that his mask was still on.

He downed the cup of water on the table next to the IV drip.

He was about to leave Via window, his leg already out of the building until the door ruffly opened up.

Showing a short, old, pissed off lady.

Oh he's dead.

"I-I can explain-"

But before he could another person came.

Blonde hair, blue eyes.

The exact colors he didn't want to see.

But before he could say anything else a arm, large and strong wrapped around his torso, pulling him, gently, away from the window.

"M-MR. H-HATAKE TH-THERE IS NO NEED TO COMMIT SUCIDE!!!!" The buff man shouted out to him-

He looks familiar- is this that hero that Denki always talks about?

Al- all mice? No all men? No no it was-

"All might!-" kakahsi said while smacking his fist into his open palm.

Before the sliding door was once again opened, quite harshly infact.

All adults snapped there heads towards the door seeing the crying face of Kaminari Denki.

With snot and everything.

As well as some other students that Kakashi doesn't really know.

"Ah Denki-" he was tackled by the blonde.

He didn't fall over and his body didn't tilt.

Confirming some thoughts to the the other adults.

"C'mon Denki, your getting snot on my clothes!" His voice holding annoyance, but no real anger, If anything it held fondness, and sadness.

The blonde got off the 'injured' man still sniffling pathetically.

"Hmmm? Who are they?" He said eyes off the only kid he knew as he stared at the other 4 kids he somewhat remembered from the accident.

"O-oh, this is Bakugo, Todoroki, Kirishima, Midoriya."

"It is nice to meet you, but why are you here?" He said this time no longer looking at them, seemingly losing interest as he pulled out that accursed orange book.

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