Chapter eight

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Song: USO by- SID


Its been three days, and they found out absolutely nothing!

So they recruited more people, the entirety of class 1-A and the entirety of the U.A teachers.

And yet, still they haven't found out anything about him.

If anything, he was just a normal person!

And that's utter bullshit.

They saw what he could do, if every ordinary person could do that, than there wouldn't be a need for Hero's!

It was frustrating.

He would do the same routine each day.

Wake up, shower, cook, clean the house, tend to his garden as well as his collection of cacti.

Courtesy to Denki who figured this out.

Than he would do his daily walk, he would help out the elderly, than he would go shopping, buying an abundance of fruits, meats, and vegetables, one of the ones being bought the most were tomatoes.

Than he would go to a park and sit under a tree, a particular tree, always the same tree, a Sakura tree. Then he would either just sit in the shade and cloud watch, or sketch.

They weren't ever able to see what's in the sketchbook though.

And his last stop before going to work was to go to a ramen stand, it wasn't a well-known place and it didn't have much customers, considering the placing isn't the most best, after all it is in the red-light district.

He wouldn't buy one bowl of ramen for himself, something they found odd, but didn't entirely question. He would always buy the same meal consisting of three types of ramen, miso with extra pork, tomato-flavored, and shoyo ramen.

Always those three.

And something they noticed is that, he would be almost depressed as he ate, they weren't entirely sure why, and they didn't really question it.

These were found out curtesy to class 1-A.

And lastly he would go to work, at the gay bar, that was not only a bar but Stripper/Performance bar.

Having singers and dancers come up to stage and have fun, as well as entertain the customers.

Some of the teachers couldn't look at some of the performances.....////////

And the others understood why Nezu-San would come here.

And so they would watch him converse with the staff and costumers with relative ease, and even K.O some of the drunkards that were being a little too rude and aggressive.

The thing is, that usually when he would knock out someone he didn't throw hands like the way he did at U.A, just a quick chop to the neck and they were out like a light.

Recovery girl explained on how he would hit a certain nerve on the neck that would instantly knock out the drunkards, also adding that it would take a lot of studying, practice and experience to do such a thing, because if he were to hit it slightly off and with too much force he would most likely kill them.

After seeing him do it a couple more times they were able to declare that it wasn't a mistake.

They also asked Azizwa to use his quirk to see if he was using a quirk or not, and they declared that he was in fact not using a quirk.

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