Chapter Seven

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Song :Moratorium-by:Omoinotake


"I make a mean cocktail." Kakashi said as he continued to read his book.

The people in the room seemed to be satisfied with the answer, although the how Nezu got there in the first place was forgotten.

"So- why are you actually here Nezu-Chan? I know you wouldn't visit me unless it gives you a benefit." Kakashi pointed out casually.

"Oh I'm hurt Kashi-Chan, you think I'm some heartless animal?"



Denki tried his best to stifle his snort.

"Oh well, it was worth a try." Nezu shrugged, seemingly used to the treatment.

"What I wanted was for you to work for me, hearing about you from the students allowed me to learn about how strong you are, maybe not fully, but enough to know that you'll be a great asset in protecting the students considering that we are gonna tighten the security around here." He said, making the adults in the room tense up slightly.

They have never seen Nezu recruit some nobody.

"But of course this does not go without compensation, I'll pay you handsomely, much more than what you are getting paid now." Nezu sounded slightly desperate although his face showed that usual smile of his, his voice however quivered a bit, only the two other adults noticed.

Kakashi smiled, his usual, closed-eyed smile.

The occupants in the room seemed to brighten slightly, even Nezu, thinking he'll take the offer, I mean, it's a huge opportunity, why would he not take it? That's absurd-

"No thanks."


"Why not Kakashi-Chan?" Nezu asked, although he seemed composed he really wasn't.

"Seems like too much work to take care of a bunch of brats." He replied casually.

"HUH?! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN OLD MAN?!" You can guess who that is.

Kakashi simply sighed "what I mean is" he pointed towards the ash-blonde "self-centric, hero-complex, huge ass ego."

Bakugo's mouth shut and he couldn't even say anything to deny it.

He pointed towards the greennette "depression, anxiety, low-self esteem."

Midoriya looked towards the ground in shame.

He pointed towards the red head "same as the green haired one."

The smile on Kirishima's face disappeared.

He pointed towards the duel-haired one "hmmm, you are a bit of a different case."

Todoroki stiffened "daddy-"

Todoroki glared and Kakashi closed his mouth, humming.

He's like him.

He than pointed towards the blonde with a lightening bolt in his hair.

Denki gulped.

"a dumbass."


Ignoring Denki, Kakashi continued "and on top of everything all of them are reckless."

Nobody said anything because everything he said was true.

(Denki: HEY!!)

He sighed, his breath holding an emotion they couldn't place.

Someone that was so so tired, having an experience that was too foreign to them.

"How about this, if you're so desperate for me to work here, figure out one significant thing about me, and something that you haven't learned recently. You can ask around, you can ask Denki, you can even look into my records."

Everyone seemed surprised, usually someone that wants to hide something wouldn't put everything out for them....

Kakashi started to walk towards the open window that everyone forgot about.

"You have until the sports festival."

"S-sports festival?! THATS IN FIVE DAYS!!" All might said

Kakashi nodded his head as he sat on the ledge of the window.

"Yup, is that too little time?" He asked face still on his book.


"That's why I asked if it was too little Bakugo." He said casually.

The ash-blonde fummed even more.

All might interjected before it went too far "U-um I meant don't you think you are giving us too many advantages in this quest Hatake-San?"

"First off call me Kakashi, Hatake makes me feel old, and two I gave you these advantages because I'm confident enough that you won't find anything significant, maybe my favorite food, but nothing worthwhile." He looked up from his book.

He gave a smile, not his closed-eyed smile, this was different, hidden, mysterious, deadly.

They shuddered slightly.

Nezu smirked, eyes lighting up in glee as he stared at the man before him.

They made eye-contact and Nezu shivered at his cold eyes.

He's tried to figure him out, hundreds of times, but every time the hidden questions he would ask would be turned against him, and he would find out absolutely nothing.

It was absolutely exhilarating!

"I accept the challenge." Nezu said

Kakashi smirked.

"Me too." Midoriya said before Todoroki, Bakugo, Kirishima and Denki followed suit.

"I as well." All might said.

Everyone stared at recovery girl ( I hope you knew the short old lady was recovery girl). "Don't look at me, I don't want any part of this."

Everyone just sweat-dropped.

Coughing in his fist, Kakashi brought the attention back to himself. "Well then, let the games begin."

Before he leaned backwards off the ledge and out the window, eyes on his book.

Also this was the 6th floor-

"WAIT!!!!!" Everyone rushed to the window watching as he flipped elegantly in the wind before landing on his feet, with barely any bend to his knees.

And he walked away, eyes on his book and fucking casually!

And than a security guard try to tackle him for trespassing, which kakashi promptly just side stepped out of the guards dive towards him without looking back.

And than another guard from a different direction tried to tackle him, which he casually spin around his body, making the guard fall to the ground.

And than five guards tried to come from all sides to get him and dove at him, but instead of colliding with Kakashi they collided with each other, effectively knocking each other out.

And Kakashi that was above them landed on one of them that let out a groan from being stepped on and casually walked away.

Still reading that damned book.

Bakugo looked at Denki "what the fuck is wrong with your caretaker?"

All Denki can do was shrug.

I hoped you enjoyed the chapter, sorry for the spelling mistakes I'm still typing this on my phone.

Feel free to point them out!!!

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