Chapter Twenty-one

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Song: slumberland by- King Gnu


Shisui, or rather, Flicker- stood up, dusting off his clothes from the dust, as well as adjusting his signature mask.

The one he got when he got promoted to ANBU.

"H-h-h-how d-did you d-d-do th-that?!"

Flicker glanced at the green-head boy through his mask holes, his black eyes slightly unnerved them.

But even so the broccoli boy continued to talk "I-I mean your quirk is flickering! You can move place to place at alarming speed to the point that there is body doubles!

But you don't have any mind quirks! So how where you able to do that?!"

Flicker sweat dropped "uh- I forgot that you guys were weren't supposed to see that."

The trio gapped at the masked man.

Is this guy really a pro....?

Tilting his head from left to right, weighing his options of wether or not to alter their memories, before deciding that that was indeed the best option as of now, his eyes turned a blooded red.

He altered their memories so it would seem that they defeated Stain by themselves, and that he was in no way involved.

(Basically made it how it went

Three bodies hit the floor. And a man in a mask swiftly disappeared.


Fire seemed to take over the the streets as a large man looked at the trio of kids with worried teal eyes.

Denki couldn't help but look in wonder as the pink haired girl- who was probably like 17- command the wave of terrified civilians into safety as well as healing any injuries within a matter of seconds

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Denki couldn't help but look in wonder as the pink haired girl- who was probably like 17- command the wave of terrified civilians into safety as well as healing any injuries within a matter of seconds.


Denki couldn't help but straighten up when her fierce green eyes locked with his, he couldn't help but be reminded slightly of Kakashi oddly.......


"This guy is going into cardiac arrest, since we don't have a Automated external defibrillator or an AED we can't use the traditional way of shocking his heart back to beating properly."

She could pump the heart herself by cutting through the chest but she doubted people want to see her cut into someone's chest in the middle of a street especially in the middle of a crisis....

Denki looked at her with a dumb look.

Ah, so he's like idiot?

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