Chapter Eighteen

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Song:Aoi toge By: Yoh Kamiyama


With nothing better to do the duo decided to go to a nearby coffee shop.

Kakashi took a quick sip from his black coffee when Shisui blinked, and quickly covered his face when he opened his eyes-

"I see you that you still have your eyes."

Shisui simply beamed at his senpai.

"You would imagine my surprise when I was able to see." His eyes became slightly dark.

"Ne Kakashi-senpai......"

Kakashi waited patiently for the man to talk, there is no doubt that he must have some questions. And although he might seem quite dense- he is very perspective, if he put two and two together then-

"D-did you also.....die-" he whispered.

Kakashi gave him his blandest look "well it's not like I somehow got sent to a alternate reality, that's impossible-"

*Cough cough playboy sasuke- cough cough*

Shisui sweat dropped "I're right?"

Shisui sipped his caramel frappe "so how did you die? I mean I don't think I have to explain how I died...."

"I got plunged by a rod."




Shisui's face lit up red.

"To think you would die from sex-"

Kakashi smacked the ravenette.

"And they call me a pervert-" his whispered "no, I literally got stabbed by a rod, like it stabbed me from my stomach to my back."

"Ohhhhhh- you should've explained it better."

"You shouldn't have taken it that way..."


They sipped their drinks in silence for a moment.

But of course the Uchiha had to ruin it "so you said you have a kid??? How the hell did that happen- i mean I thought you were gay-"

Kakashi gave the blandest look he could "didn't I say that we aren't biologically related? and plus you can adopt-"

"So you are gay-" Kakashi smacked him again.

"That's not the point here."

Shisui pouted, he didn't deny it-

"anyways- you said you don't like kids in the first place- so why do you have a kid?!"

"Denki is.....special-"


"He literally fries his brain every time he uses his quirk-"


"Like- I'm surprised he's still alive, and plus he's an idiot-"

"I get it, I get it-" Shisui rubbed his temples feeling bad for the kid.

Kakashi was hailed a genius since he was like 5-

"I mean- he got into UA- he might be more smarter than you think-"

"He barely knows his multiplication."

"Isn't U.A. for high schoolers?"

Kakashi nodded his head.

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