32 ;)

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Sakura and Kakashi stood in the middle of the field the other students panting heavily in a circular formation around them from having to suddenly rush to the field.

They were on the fourth floor! And the elevator was taking too long!

"Well then, now that everyone caught there breath-" Kakashi ignored the glared directed at him from all sides. " we will began the test, on wether or not you'll be expelled."

The circle of students tensed up.

"I'll give you a quick heads up." He placed his hand on Sakura shoulder. "I used to teach this kid.....not well- but, I taught her."

Sakura softly squeezed the hand on her shoulder in reassurance.

"Although I didn't teach her well, she was able to learn under a teacher whom I respect- and for that reason she'll be heavily handicapped in order to make it fair for you who have little to no experience with your quirk."

Once Kakashi said that he began binding the pinkettee, her arms were bound behind her back and her thighs were bound in order to stop her from kicks and the like.

"Don't break the binds-" Kakashi said towards the pinkette, and said pinkette just smiled.

The class murmured within each other. Wondering just how strong she is for her to basically be left helpless with both her arms and legs bound.

Just how much do they underestimate us...?

The thought couldn't help but cause them to seeth in fury.

Finishing up Kakashi spoke out. "Alright," he looked at his watch. "There is 20 minutes on the timer." He clicked the timer, the seconds passing by. "And if any of you are able to-"

Sounds of bells jingled.

"Take one of these 15 bells. I'll take you under my wing." He tied the bells onto Sakuras belt loop.

Immediately shouts of protest were heard. "There's 22 students! So we'll get expelled anyway?!"

The silverette allowed for the students to complain within themselves, not taking it upon himself to stop the commotion.

Once the group finally finished they looked towards they're possible-to-be teacher smiling a closed-eyed smile.

"You have 17 minutes and 32 seconds left."


"We started?"

The students began to panic and started to haphazardly attempt to take the bells from there fellow pink-haired classmate.

Sakura dodged the teens with minimized movements, a simple pivot of her foot or a twirl around her 'opponents' the frustration on there faces became more and more clearer the longer they were unable to grab a singular bell.

"Stop moving!"

"Why is this so hard?!"

"She's literally bound!"

Kakashi continued to watch the 'spar' with mild interest. Glancing at his watch, which said 1 min 20 sec, he was about to raised raise his hand to indicate that the class was over, and that they were all expelled until-

"Kakashi!" The aforementioned silverette turned his head towards the small mammal that was bouncing up to him with a smile on his lips. "Before you expelled those kids, there's one more that just came in." His eyes seemed to curl mischievousness as he said those words.

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