Twenty-nine ;)

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Kakashi looked at the large susanoo, impressed. He briefly wondered how the war could've ended if Shisui hadn't died so tragically.

"Amazing..." the ever curious broccoli said seeing the large hologram of a samurai. The crowd stood breathless at large green being, they too, mesmerized at the sheer power it radiated off.

Is this flicker going all out? If so.... what would be his rank if he exposed this a long time ago?

While everyone was wondering this, Denki, couldn't help but narrow his eyes within the hologram body. The red's really similar to Kakashi.

Does that mean Shisui can also copy quirks...?

More then anything- what concerned Denki, was the fact that he had two of the red eyes. While Kakashi only had one.

.......Does that mean Shisui and Kakashi are possibly brothers?

"Hey Denki?" Sakura called out "your head is smoking up...."

Kakashi slowly laid on the ground

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Kakashi slowly laid on the ground. Pulling out his book before covering it over his eyes.

"My eyes kinda hurt, You know what to do~." He said. Minato sweat-dropped before sighing "Hai~ Hai~"

Minato spread his fingers as he got into position. The blue ball once more appearing. And with a yellow flash- he disappeared and reappearing high above the hologram.


They expected the ball to hit the hologram- and somehow cause a disruption in the appearance. But, no- the large lance blocked the rasengan. The ball was there for a moment holding its weight as it pushed the weapon down- but even so the hologram was stronger. The ball expanded before it exploded causing the opposing forces to be pushed away from each other.

Flipping away Minato spread his fingers, a Dagger in between the spaces of his fingers, and he once more ran towards the titan.

The Susanoo, too, ran towards the blonde. And everyone couldn't help but be baffled at the sheer speed.

They expected it to be slow considering it's size....

Minato threw three of his eight daggers, his foot sliding behind him as his body disappeared, before reappearing behind the large titan. Flicker dodging the chakra enhanced daggers left most of his attention towards his front and away from Minato.

Minato's rasengan that was larger then the one before growing larger by the second in his hand. He shoved the blue ball into the unguarded back of the Titian. And everyone was absolutely astonished at the sheer power this new ball had.

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