Chapter twelve

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Red eyes gleamed from the window of the principals office, staring at the small animal as the illusions filtered into the mouses mind.

A strong wind blew passed.

It was gone.

 'Kakashi' was in the middle of work before a shady character walked into the bar

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'Kakashi' was in the middle of work before a shady character walked into the bar.

They were large and bulky, he couldn't see their appearance because their hoodie covered their face, and he was wearing all dark colors, mainly consisting of blacks and browns.

He payed no mind to it, shady characters always enter here.

He can't do anything until the person starts something.

Otherwise it'll just be assault on false charges on his part.

So he waited, watching the man discreetly.

He watched him walk up to the bar and sat down, effectively scaring the closer ones away from him and onto the dance floor.

The person sighed sadly, already seemingly used to the treatment.

"Can I get a pink lady cocktail?" The man said his voice deep and gruff.

Kakashi was slightly surprised, but it didn't show on his face.

"Coming right up, would that be all?" He said, putting down the cup he was currently holding before grabbing the needed ingredients.

The man seemed bashful as he spoke again, in quiet stutters, pulling his hood a little lower to cover his already hidden face.

"D-do you ha-have sw-sweets?"

Kakashi rose a brow.

"We don't usually serve sweets." Lie.

The hoodied man spluttered in apologies, his hands moving every-which-way, Although his face was covered the silverette could see the blush on his pale-hands that were waving frankly.

That's kinda cute-

The silverette laughed, covering his mouth with a hand his eyes crinkled in amusement, his soft giggles made the hoodied man stop his little splutters and apologies and look up.

His jaded green eyes covered by his hair and hood as he watched the silverette laugh at him.

What a pretty sound-

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