Chapter Seventeen

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Song: Dark night by- E ve


Kakashi continued to read his book giving his opinions and quips every now and then.

"Oh looks like the purple-heard one, he's sitting on those children like a king!" Hizashi of course commented.

Kakashi looked up at from his book and sent a glance at the boy, his eyes slightly narrowed at the very 'dead' look that the students under him were giving.

And Kakashi knows 'dead'.

He took a moment and watched as the purple haired boy commanded the group, and said group following without a blink- literally.... they might need eye-drops after this.........

"Ne, Hizashi-San, that boy with purple hair, what class is he in?"

"He is in the general and studies class. Why?"

"He's not in the hero course?"

"No he failed the battle part in the entrance exams for the hero course but he got into general studies because of his test scores."

Kakashi hummed.

"Ne, considering that I'm a teacher, is it possible for me to do internships? Or is that exclusively for heroes?"

Nezu raised a brow "yes it is exclusively for heroes, rather it is for those who has a hero license. I could get you one if you take a test."

"A test?"

Nezu nodded "yeah, we have to test your skills and your mindset in dire situations, basically we're testing you on your hero properties"

Ah.. so like a promotion test, eh?

Kakashi nodded his head.

"Sure I'll take the test."

Nezu's smile widened, before he decided to look out the window "you like Shinso?"

Kakashi sent a closed eye smile "you can say that."

He looked back at his book- *cough porn cough cough* Before a tingling sensation ripples through his arm.


He put his book in his pocket before leaving the room hastily.

"Where are you going Kakashi-San?" All Might asked

"U-uh, the bathroom." He poorly lied, and the heroes caught it, but he was gone before they could do anything.

The teachers gave each other a look before getting up and following.

Well except for Aizawa who couldn't be bothered-

He snuggled into his yellow bag before taking a nap....

He snuggled into his yellow bag before taking a nap

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