Thirty :D

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Today was day three of the recruitment tournament.

One on One battles.

There is gonna be a total of 23 battles, each battle lasting for 30 minutes. If the contestants are injured enough, unable to continue or tap out within the 30 minutes, The winner will be the one that lasts the longest.

They decided to once more to do a random draw, however If your card is your partner or opponents from the day before, you are free to redraw. But you can only redraw three times in general.

So when this rule was added, those that got a certain... trios number would immediately redraw.

After seeing such a fight they doubted they would even last ten minutes....

Kakashi looked at his card. He could laugh at the match-up or cry. He looked at his ex-partner.

The blonde smiled happily at him as he saw the card. "It's even more funnier considering I got your card-" Minato said showing the 6K card he had.

The silverette shook his head. "I suppose the reason why we ended up together is because everyone that had our cards would redraw...." Kakashi tilted his head "I wonder why."

It's because you destroyed the entire arena while also defeating a high-ranking pro who apparently wasn't even going all out on his actual mission.....

The blonde smiled. "I guess we'll never know, Kakashi."


"Now that everyone has drawn their cards, we will now commence the battles."

A large monitor was brought down as two people were showed up.

"Flicker versus Bullseye will go first!

Please stay on the arena, everyone else make your way towards your seats. We will began shortly."

The silverette and blonde made there ways up towards there seats.

"Kakashi-San!" The man in question looked towards the stands, his eyes naturally being drawned towards the blonde that was waving frantically at him, his golden eyes bright as he grinned broadly. "That was so cool!"

Kakashi smiled his closed eyed smile.

"....he looks like him." His ex-sensei said.

And Kakashi could feel his heart twinge.

He knew what Minato meant.

Smoothing out his face, Kakashi smiled towards his blonde companion. "I don't see it."

The blonde slightly pinched his eyebrows, before matching a similar expression. "Hmm."


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