Chapter four

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Song: Imagination- by SPAYIR


It was done in a flash.

It hasn't been five minutes since Kakashi took on the villains and yet they were all down unconscious in a pile of bodies.

Kakashi wasn't even out of breath, his frying pan long since been forgotten after he attempted to hit someone with a spiked back with it. It got stuck if you were wondering.
And his spatula has been melted when he went against someone with fire-breath.

He than resulted in using his fists and made more progress that way much quicker.

Which was surprising considering that the remaining class 1-A still weren't sure if he was using a quirk.

Afterwards Kakashi finally looked back to the petrified students- specifically Denki.

"Denki? Can you explain what's going on?"

Denki finally calmed, nodded his head "A-ambush, we were ambush by villians, there was a hundred or so of them that came but Azizwa-"

His eyes widened as he remembered the state of his teacher and fellow classmates.

"A-Azizwa-sensei! He was badly injured! He's gonna die! Kakashi he's gonna die! He-he!-" Denki was rambling at this point, but he was so afraid, he was so, so afraid.

"Denki! Calm down!" Kakashi said as he roughly grabbed the boy's shoulders.

Class 1-A eyes widened at commanding voice that came out of his mouth, unconsciously tensing at the voice, backs straight, and unknowingly they held their breaths.

Denki automatically straightened, he was still afraid, but he had to calm down.

"A-Azizwa-sensei, he went down to fight the villains, but I guess there was too many, and he was overwhelmed, and now he's....." he didn't finish, his eyes glossy remembering the state of his teacher.

Kakashi nodded his head as he clapped one of his shoulders, nothing more needed to be said.

His breath quickened as he took another risked and glance at his teacher, and his heart dropped as he saw more of his peers rush to the bird.

Specifically Midoriya and Todoroki.

He couldn't speak but he weakly pointed his finger towards their direction.

Kakashi took a glance at where he was pointing, surprisingly not noticing the destruction and other unconscious villains before him.

His eyes widened as he saw the bird go for a grab at the boy with green hair who couldn't stop at the speed he was going, and also is his legs broken?

"Denki, take care of your peers"

Before Denki could answer he was gone in a flash, leaving nothing but blue sparks, similar to what the blonde did earlier.


MIDORIYA P.O.V (the first P.O.V!)

I'm gonna die I'm gonna die imgonnadieimgonnadieimgonnadie!

At the speed I'm going I'm basically jumping into it's hands.

I glanced down towards my my legs.

Completely destroyed-

I looked towards my hands.

Maybe if I aim to my side I can created a enough wind to change my direction and be out of reach of the bird-villain.

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