Chapter ten

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"Welcome to U.A where we teach and train people to become hero's, by hero's."

The roomed brighten as everyone either smiled, or smirked.

Song:  Shiki no Uta  by-Nujabes


Kakashi sighed as he stared at the people in the room, the bags under his eyes seemed to get deeper as he stared at them.

He was hoping they would leave him alone....

"What's wrong Kakashi-San?"

He bore his eyes onto the blonde buff man, as he forced light into his eyes as he belted out a laugh.

Everyone looked at him weird.

"Y-you actually believed that?! Pft-"

I mean if he wasn't going to get what he wants might as well make them forget about his little 'act'.

"H-huh?" The frog-girl said.

He threw his back backwards as he did the most guy thing ever as he laughed with all his might, his throat hurting from the boisterous sound coming out.

He wiped a tear as he spoked, his eyes crinkled from faux amusement, though they didn't know.

"I was acting."  He said with a shrug.



Okay this is kinda amusing.....

He stifled a laugh as he continued "yeah, I was acting."

"Y-you c-can't just ACT THAT!!!"

He stared at the blonde boy.

"Denki, and how can you prove that?" He said casually.

"The raw emotion can't be faked! Only somebody who lost someone can express that!" All might intervened.

He knew that look, that's why he confronted him, he's seen that look, every time he looked in the mirror, every time he remembered his teacher!

"Woah! woah! woah! I never said I didn't lose somebody."

They stared at the grey-haired man in confusion.


"I have lost somebody....." he started, his eyes growing distant, his shoulder drooping.

"M-my father...." his voice trembled as he remembered the older silver-head.


They stared at him in anticipation "when I was a kid a watched my dad commit suicide..." his hand trembled as he saw the dead eyes, the blood, there's so much blood, why is there so much blood?

They shuddered in a breath as they stared at the men.

He wasn't lying.

But he was throwing his dad under the bus... though they don't know that.....

"Oh- I'm so-so sorry...." midnight walked up to him putting a comforting hand onto his back.

Unknowingly he smirked, no one caught it- then again it might be the masks fault.

"Yeah..... my mom passed away while giving birth to me, and my father was driven to death by the people in our small town....." again he wasn't lying, just wasn't telling the the truth to a T....

"He was driven to death?" the mutated-boy, shoji asked.

They took the bait....

"Yeah....he was a vigilante, he couldn't afford to get a proper hero license, but he still wanted to help people...." he took a shuddering breath, drawing everyone in.

"He couldn't save some people in a burning building.... and everyday he mourned their deaths, and apologized to the living family and friends...." it wasn't a complete lie....

"....but they didn't forgive him... constantly calling him a murderer, spitting on the ground he walked.... bashing our home..." his eyes blurred as he remembered the days.

He covered his eye as he continued "I-I tried to help him, t-to save him, but it wasn't enough, I wasn't enough... an-and than h-he..." he choked on a sob and Midnight continued to rub soothing circles on his back.

He didn't say anything else, he didn't need to say anything else, his sobs filling the silent room.

"B-but h-how did you learn those m-moves?" The analysts grenette asked.

Kakashi internally sighed but kept up his persona.

"You think after he passed away all things were fixed?" A lie, though not entirely....

They took a moment to process the information, and than it dawned on them.

Oh no.

He saw the realization so he continued "I had to learn how to survive on my own.... not only was the whole town basically against me, I also had to deal with his many-many enemies.."

"The child of a coward they would call me....... Just Another reason why I wear a mask, so I wouldn't be recognized..."

Eyes blazed with anger at the treatment towards this man that basically saved them.

"Name-calling, bullying, Beat-downs, threats, attempted assassinations I've had it all" they weren't completely true

They stared wide eyed at the person.

"P-prove it!" Bakugo tried to keep strong, his voice still trembled as he confronted him, I mean he lied earlier, why would he tell the truth now? And everything he said was getting out of hand, I mean, attempted murder?!

Kakashi just stared at the boy, his eyes telling nothing as he casually lifted up his shirt.

They gasped.

Knife scars, bullet scars, burn scars, jagged skin, some looked like they could only be caused by quirks, some wounds still looked tender and fresh, some fading and others that appeared too old but still vivid.

He lifted up his head- band revealing a scared eye, and tugged in his collar to show that it went down to his chest.

"I'm half-blind." Lie, but how can they tell when the evidence is right there?!

"H-how old were you?" The timid zero-gravity girl asked.

"When I lost my eye or when it started?"


He said it casually, too casually "I was six when my father died, and I was 11 when I lost my eye...."

He was a child! A LITERAL CHILD!

A-and yet......

Kakashi stood quite as he watched the various expressions on the others faces.

Anger, pity, sadness, disgust, worry,mistrust, suspicion.

"... then how did Kaminari-San appear in your life?"


The black-beady eyes stared at him intensely, as he assisted him.

"He wouldn't just appear into your life out of no-where, and you said it yourself that you don't like dealing with brats."

"HEY!" Again, Kaminari was ignored.

But Kakashi was used to things like this, his mask not cracking even for a second.

"His biological father saved me from a suicide-attempt."


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