Twenty- three

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What a king-

Song: Inertia by- Cö Shu Nie

Bitch, this song is so good, and when you have headphones on at full blast-

Mommy, I'm gay-

It hasn't even been 10 seconds-

Okay on with this shit show!


Sakura gripped onto Kakashi's hoodie as she continued to babble inconsistent sentences as tears streamed down her eyes.

Kakashi wasn't fairing any better.

"G-gomen Sa-Sakura gom-gomensai, gomensai gomensai, go-gomensai Sakura, gomen."

"K-Kakashi, o-oh my ka-kami, yo-you're A-ALIVE, go-god yo-you're he-ere b-breathing an-and I-oh k-kami."

And then you have the confused Denki staring awkwardly as he sees his caretaker-who he sees as a father, but Kakashi doesn't need to know about that-and a girl he may or may not have a crush on starting from today onwards, hugging.

He has never felt so jealous, disturbed, intrigued, disturbed, confused and disturbed before.

And he's part of the bakusquad-

"Shisui- San"


"What the fuck?"

Shisui simply stared blankly at the boy.

"That's Kakashi's student."

"I get that- I mean it's not everyday you hear Kakashi be called 'Kakashi- sensei' y'know?

I'm asking why they're hugging as though they are long lost siblings, like- I don't think I'd hug Mic-sensei like that even if we haven't seen each other..."

(Y'all know damn well he would-)

"Well, they have a much closer relationship then teacher and student."







Shisui now understands Kakashi a little more now-

Letting out a sigh he talked "where we come from when you graduate from school you would get a teacher that trains you in everything and nothing, from fighting to the path of life, and so on.

Their relationship is like a family, like father and daughter, though siblings seems more appropriate..."

If the 'NII-SAN!' From Kakashi final moments meant anything when he experienced his life at the Great War.

"....hmmm, where did you guys even come from anyways?"

(Sike! Y'all thought Denki was smart enough for that question?!)

"So is she like my aunt or something-?"

If Shisui had a drink he probably would've spit it out-


He also didn't really understand their family dynamic to be honest.

"Good."Denki nodded to himself as he put his hand on his hips.

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