Chapter thirteen

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The two continued to talk, surprising the regulars since usually Kakashi always kept to himself, always opting to keep his opinions and thoughts to his own person, and giving vague answers when he was dragged into a convo that eventually he'll no longer be apart of.

But with this man, this suspicious man, he was getting into heated political theories about where the heroes, villains stand and how the government is apart of all this.

The nearby people that were listening in were agreeing more and more with Kakashi as he spoke, he debunked any accusations that had no proper evidence or even ones without proper structures.

He even boldly stated that if the #1 hero were to retire, or even possibly die, it'll cause a world-spread panic throughout the citizens and doubts will arise simply because 'they rely on him too much.'

And the man would rebuke saying that 'All might wouldn't fall! Why would you say something like that?!' His emotions over clouding his judgement and with no hesitation Kakashi replied.

"How long has all might been a hero? Decades, he's been a hero for decades, and he can't be a hero forever, at the end of the day he's a human and every person will eventually die, or get injured enough to where they have to stop doing a job,

And plus, this is All Might, the number one hero, theres bound to be countless villains after him, wanting his head and whatnot, so that makes his job all the more unsafe, I'm honestly surprised that he lasted this long.

And right now, I just suggested the possibility of all might retiring, and you were upset at mere mention of it, and downright accused me of having such thoughts as though it was a bad thing to even have that idea.

There are probably thousands maybe millions of people that are exactly like you, they rely too much on him, he's the best hero to ever exist, he has an amazing quirk, he has a great sense of justice, always being there regardless of the difficulty of a villain, and he's kind to a fault.

The ideal hero, but even so there are flaws, considering that if he's not there his reputation would fall even if it's just slightly, the reason why is because people always expect to be saved by All Might, that is the first hero to come into mind when you think of the word 'hero' in this world.

And then they would get saved by someone else and all of a sudden All Might isn't the best to them.

And hey, maybe they could be saved by a villain, and their world-view would be altered."

They would gape in silence, not really knowing how to take the info, some people out-right denied it, others considered it, and the rest just ignored it.

*ring ring ring ring-*

Kakashi looked at his watch in slight surprised.

"Oh, looks like my times up-"

"Eh? Are you leaving work?"

'Kakashi' smiled as he pointed at the door, and another Kakashi walked in, face buried in his book.

The suspicious man gaped "you have a cloning quirk?!"

'Kakashi' smiled "you could say that."

"Yo! You can go now." Kakashi said face still buried in his book.

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