31 (\o.o/)

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Friendship goals-


The last round was done rather quickly. It was really only an assessment if anything- to see there level of education and how they would handle different disasters.

You can guess who where the top three-

1. Minato Namizake-Uzumaki 100/100

2. Kakashi Hatake 100/100

3. Pro hero: Flicker 100/100

4.... 100/100

5.... 97/100

"Damnit! If I knew speed was a factor in points than I would've been quicker!" Flicker yelled out.

"But would you really be fast enough?" Kakashi asked as he pointed towards the older blonde who was already getting acquainted with other passing participants.

Flicker sighed- his aura visably gloomy. "But my pro status would be questioned...."

Kakashi pointed at the large board. "Isn't he also a pro?"

37. Pro hero: Gummybear 27/100

"I don't think you did that bad-"

"...how did they become a pro....?"

Kakashi nodded his head once as he was given a hero license by nezu

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Kakashi nodded his head once as he was given a hero license by nezu.

"I expect great things from you, Kakashi." Nezu said as he handed the license.

"I've already exceeded those expectations" Kakashi gave a closed eyed smile.

Nezu grinned. "That just makes me even more excited!"

The mouse walked towards the next participants, words of gratitude was the only thing exchanged with the rest of the participants.

After the short ceremony, Kakashi chatted with his former sensei- simply enjoying each other's presence, that they didn't have the chance to do the last time they were together.

Considering that the last time they were together there was a war-

Having your life targeted every minute of the day doesn't really make it easy to communicate comfortably- Which is funny considering that most of shinobi talk to there enemies during the fight.

Of course it's just to taunt them-


Of course.

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