Chapter three

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Song: blue bird- by ikimonogakari


Kaminari felt his heart drop as he saw the pro hero fall, it felt like slow motion as the pro fell.

Everything seemed to stop as he saw the astronaut costume ripped to shreds in the front, and seeing nothing inside the costume. And he wasn't moving- is he dead?

Blood rushes to his ears at the thought, he couldn't even hear the screaming of his fellow classmates, or was that him?, over the thumping of his own heart.

He had to calm down! The warped gate user was still in front of them!

The villain was expanding as he did earlier, but instead of taking more students, more enemies appeared!

Kaminari did the bird hand sign to try and calm his nerves, but he couldn't calm his breathing, he was scared, afraid.

The warped gate user disappeared in a swirl appearing back close to the the other villian that was scratching his neck.

Leaving a dozen or so villains with them.

Kaminari ried all he could to calm himself but he as his other classmates, he was afraid, so afraid.

One of the villains launched at Kaminari with speed equivalent to that of a cheetah.

He barely processed the person, his body going in autopilot as he dove out of the way.

He can't do this!

He wasn't in the right mindset and he couldn't protect his classmates as well!

He turned his head trying to spot Aizawa-sensei.

Please, come back and help us! We're gonna die, Aizawl-Sensei!

He spotted his teacher, but not how he expected.

He expected his teacher to defeating the villains with maybe one or two still on him, but he would've been fine, he expected him to be fine!

Not in the brink of death with that fucking bird villain crushing his skull!

His eyes widened in pure terror as he saw the state of his teacher, barely letting out a "Aizawa-sensei"

But it seemed as his peers heard him as they snapped their heads towards the direction of their teacher.

Screams and shouts all ripped their throats, except for Kaminari who was frozen in fear.

Nononono this wasn't supposed to happen, they were supposed to have a mock rescue test, not this bullshit!

He saw Bakugo and Kirishima attempt to fight the bird, thing.

But the bird villain threw Aizwa's body like it was a sac of potatoes before punching Bakugo in the stomach causing him to fly away, but he didn't get back up!

And than proceeding to grip Kirishima's arm to the point where it broke, although he was using his Harding quirk.

The scream that rippled out of the throat of his voice will most likely haunt his dreams.

Than Kirishima was dropped to the ground, before the bird promptly crushed his leg, by stepping on it, making another agonizing scream rip through his throat.

Kaminari was a afraid, he wanted to help but he couldn't move.

Than he remembered what his caretaker said.

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