eight || suki's secret

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"Katara! They're back! I just heard Appa!" Toph calls, and I hop up. It's been a full day since I've seen my brother after I hurt him on accident, they spent the night at the Palace as special guests. I knew that Suki, Aang, and Sokka would all be furious with me, but I had to stay strong, and not fight with any of them. I hope Sokka is okay.

I ran outside after Toph, and sure enough, Appa was beginning to land. Momo already flew down to the ground, and perched on Toph's shoulder. Once Appa landed, Aang was the first to hop off. He gave me a glare, and roughly brushed past me, and stormed inside with his staff.

Okay, so I know that Aang is mad at me.

The next person to hop off of Appa was... Ty Lee? What was she doing here? She smiled at me brightly and cartwheeled past me. She wasn't in her Kyoshi warrior uniform, but she was wearing that dumb pink outfit.

The next people were Suki, Sokka, and... Zuko? I wasn't sure why he was here as well, but I wasn't complaining. I rushed over to help them.

"Sokka! I'm so glad you're okay!" I cry, and hug my brother gently. He was able to stand, but not on his own. Zuko went back on Appa and grabbed a pair of crutches off of the saddle. Sokka attempted to hug me back, and Suki stood there awkwardly, helping Sokka stand.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Sokka smiled, pulling away from the hug. "I'm sorry for fighting with you. I shouldn't have yelled at you for that."

"No, don't be sorry. I'm the one who began fighting with you, and I'm the only who really hurt you," I sniffled. He just shook his head and nudged me on the shoulder.

"Nah, don't worry about it sis! I'm boomerang boy, I think I can handle a little fall," he chuckled, and I laughed along with him. I managed not to cry, and hugged him once more.

"I'm just glad that you're okay," I whisper to him, and he just nods, and lets Suki help him on his crutches as they walk into the house.

Zuko grabbed a bag for himself, and hopped back off of Appa. He gave Appa a pat, and he growled and laid down. Ty Lee sprang over to us with a huge grin.

"Mai! There you are!" she called, and galloped over to her friend. My ears burned at the sight of that devil. Mai glanced quickly over to me, and smirked, and then turned away and walked into the backyard with Ty Lee. I just rolled my eyes and stomped to the house.

"Hey, wait up!" I heard Zuko call. My heart jumped at the sound of his voice, but I was still mad at him for ditching me in the library. Maybe if he stayed, I wouldn't have hurt Sokka in the first place.

I waited anyways for him, letting my heart take over. Everyone deserves another chance, right?

"Hey," I mumble as he catches up with me. He sighs.

"I'm sorry for leaving you in the library. I'm sorry for kissing you, too," he muttered the last part. I guess he didn't like me, after all, if he was sorry for kissing me.

I shrug. "It's fine. So how are you and Mai doing?" I ask him, trying to change the awkward subject. He shrugged as well, and then blushed.

"Well... she found out about the kiss. And she forgave me, and we're still dating. I'm sorry, Katara," he sighed. My heart shattered inside of me, but I just rolled me eyes and fake smiled.

"Great! That's great. I don't care anymore,"I tell him, and he smiles real big.

"Awesome! I'm glad you understand!" he smiles, and walks away from me, and heads into the backyard, probably to find Mai.

Just great. He actually does like Mai. What was I thinking, to actually like him? I'm such an idiot.


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